Danh sách nhân vật bạn bè - Wikipedia

Nhiều nhân vật khác nhau xuất hiện trong sitcom Friends được phát sóng trong mười mùa trên NBC từ 1994 đến 2004. [1] Nó có sáu diễn viên chính: Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston), Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc), Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry), Ross Geller (David Schwimmer) và Monica Geller (Courteney Cox). Nhiều khách mời nổi tiếng đã tham gia bộ phim trong suốt mười năm của nó. [2]

Dàn diễn viên của nhóm [ chỉnh sửa ]

Các diễn viên chính đã quen thuộc với khán giả truyền hình trước vai diễn của họ trên Những người bạn nhưng không được coi là ngôi sao. [3][4] David Crane, người tạo ra sê-ri muốn tất cả sáu nhân vật đều nổi bật như nhau, [5] và sê-ri được ca ngợi là "chương trình 'hòa tấu' thực sự đầu tiên". [19659008] Các thành viên diễn viên đã nỗ lực để giữ định dạng hòa tấu và không cho phép một thành viên thống trị; [6] họ tham gia vào các hạng mục diễn xuất giống nhau để nhận giải thưởng, đã chọn tham gia các cuộc đàm phán lương riêng lẻ, [6] và yêu cầu xuất hiện cùng nhau trên các bức ảnh bìa tạp chí trong mùa đầu tiên. [8] Các thành viên trong đoàn trở thành bạn thân ngoài màn ảnh, [9] và một ngôi sao khách mời, Tom Selleck, đôi khi báo cáo cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi. [10] Các diễn viên vẫn là bạn tốt sau loạt phim 'chạy, đáng chú ý là Cox và Ani ston, với Aniston là mẹ đỡ đầu của con gái của Cox và David Arquette, Coco. [11] Trong cuốn sách kỷ niệm chia tay chính thức Friends 'Til the End mỗi người đều thừa nhận riêng trong cuộc phỏng vấn của mình rằng diễn viên đã trở thành anh ấy / gia đình của cô ấy. [12]

Tiền lương [ chỉnh sửa ]

Trong hợp đồng ban đầu của họ cho phần một, mỗi thành viên diễn viên được trả 22.500 đô la mỗi tập. [13] mùa thứ hai, bắt đầu từ khoảng 25.000 đô la đến 40.000 đô la mỗi tập. [13][14] Trước khi đàm phán lương cho mùa thứ ba, các diễn viên đã quyết định tham gia các cuộc đàm phán tập thể, bất chấp Warner Bros. ' ưu tiên cho các giao dịch cá nhân. [15] Các diễn viên được nhận mức lương của thành viên diễn viên được trả lương thấp nhất, có nghĩa là Aniston và Schwimmer kiếm được ít hơn số tiền họ có thể có. Các ngôi sao đã được trả tiền, mỗi tập, 75.000 đô la trong phần ba, 85.000 đô la trong phần tư, 100.000 đô la trong phần năm và 125.000 đô la trong phần thứ sáu. [16] Các thành viên trong đoàn phim đã nhận được mức lương 750.000 đô la mỗi tập trong phần bảy và tám và 1 triệu đô la cho mỗi tập phim vào thứ chín và thứ mười. [17] Các diễn viên cũng nhận được tiền bản quyền cung cấp bắt đầu từ phần thứ năm. [14]

Nhân vật chính [ chỉnh sửa ]

Tất cả sáu diễn viên chính đã có kinh nghiệm trước đây trong hài kịch tình huống, và, trong một số trường hợp, hài kịch ngẫu hứng là tốt. Tất cả sáu diễn viên xuất hiện trong mỗi tập phim.

Rachel Green [ chỉnh sửa ]

Rachel Karen Green (Jennifer Aniston) là cô con gái hư hỏng nhưng ấm áp và dễ mến của một bác sĩ phẫu thuật mạch máu giàu có và vợ. Rachel được giới thiệu vào sê-ri trong tập đầu tiên sau khi cô rời khỏi vị hôn thê của mình, Barry, ở bàn thờ và cố gắng sống độc lập mà không cần sự hỗ trợ tài chính từ cha mẹ. [e 1] Cô trốn khỏi đám cưới gần như đến thành phố New York để tìm Monica Geller, bạn của cô từ thời trung học. Rachel di chuyển vào căn hộ của Monica và gặp Phoebe Buffay và Joey Tribbiani. Rachel đã biết Ross Geller, anh trai của Monica, vì cả ba đều học chung trường cấp ba. Trong tập đầu tiên, cô cũng được giới thiệu với Chandler Bing, bạn thân thời đại học của Ross; tuy nhiên, các tập sau lại xem lại điều này và cô được cho là đã gặp Chandler vào những lần trước trong khi Ross đang học đại học. Công việc đầu tiên của Rachel là làm phục vụ bàn tại quán cà phê Central Perk. Cô sau đó bắt đầu làm việc trong thời trang, trở thành một người mua trợ lý, và sau đó là một người mua sắm cá nhân, tại Bloomingdale's. Cuối cùng, cô trở thành người mua tại Polo Ralph Lauren.

Phần lớn cuộc đời của Rachel trong suốt bộ phim xoay quanh mối quan hệ của cô với Ross Geller. Vào cuối phần bảy, trong đám cưới của Monica và Chandler, tiết lộ rằng Rachel đang mang thai từ tình một đêm với Ross. Ban đầu, Rachel quyết tâm tự mình nuôi đứa bé, nhưng sau đó cô nhận ra mình cần sự giúp đỡ của Ross. Cô quyết định chuyển đến sống cùng Ross, mặc dù hai người không liên quan đến mối quan hệ. Emma, ​​con gái của họ, được sinh ra trong đêm chung kết mùa thứ tám.

Trong mùa thứ mười, Rachel được mời làm việc với Louis Vuitton ở Paris. Cô chấp nhận và chuẩn bị chuyển mình và Emma sang Pháp. Tuy nhiên, trong loạt phim chung kết, cô từ chối lời mời làm việc và nổi tiếng "xuống máy bay". Rachel và Ross quay lại với nhau trong những giây phút cuối cùng của bộ truyện. [e 2]

Monica Geller [ chỉnh sửa ]

Monica E. Geller-Bing (Courteney Cox) là em gái của Ross và bạn thân của Rachel, người mà cô cho phép sống cùng sau khi Rachel từ bỏ đám cưới của chính mình. Cô làm việc chủ yếu như một đầu bếp tại một loạt các nhà hàng. Cô được mô tả là gà mái của nhóm, [18] và được biết đến với bản tính cạnh tranh và ám ảnh. [19][20] Monica thường bị những người khác trêu chọc, đặc biệt là Ross, vì đã quá béo khi còn nhỏ.

Vào mùa thứ hai, Monica phải lòng người bạn của cha cô là Jack (Elliott Gould), Richard Burke (Tom Selleck). Mặc dù cách nhau hai mươi mốt tuổi, nhưng Monica và Richard vẫn hạnh phúc, và bố mẹ cô chấp nhận mối quan hệ của họ. Tuy nhiên, là kết quả của việc Monica khao khát một gia đình nhưng Richard đã có một gia đình, họ chia tay vào cuối mùa thứ hai. Sau đó, Monica theo đuổi một chuỗi những người đàn ông khác nhau cho đến khi cô bất ngờ bắt đầu mối quan hệ với người bạn lâu năm của mình, Chandler Bing, vào cuối mùa thứ tư, trong đám cưới của anh trai Ross với Emily Waltham. Monica và Chandler cố gắng che giấu mối quan hệ của họ với phần còn lại của nhóm trong phần lớn mùa thứ năm, nhưng cuối cùng mọi người đều phát hiện ra. Sau khi kỷ niệm lần đầu tiên ở Las Vegas, họ đến với nhau và đính hôn trong đêm chung kết mùa thứ sáu. Sau khi kết hôn, Monica và Chandler cố gắng thụ thai con cái, chỉ để phát hiện ra rằng họ không thể làm như vậy. Trong phần cuối cùng của loạt phim, họ nhận nuôi cặp song sinh mới sinh, họ đặt tên là Erica và Jack.

Phoebe Buffay [ chỉnh sửa ]

Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan (Lisa Kudrow) là một nhân viên mát xa kỳ quặc, ngọt ngào, đôi khi vô gia cư, đôi khi nói với bạn bè của mình. Cuộc sống trên đường phố. Cô là một nhạc sĩ khao khát chơi guitar và hát những bài hát với lời bài hát hơi bất thường tại quán cà phê. Cô có một người chị em sinh đôi giống hệt nhau, Ursula (cũng do Kudrow thủ vai), người cũng kỳ quặc như Phoebe và xuất hiện như một nhân vật định kỳ trong Mad About You . Sau một loạt những cuộc hẹn hò và mối quan hệ với một số người đàn ông, Phoebe gặp Mike Hannigan (Paul Rudd) trong phần chín, người mà cuối cùng cô kết hôn trong phần mười. Cô cũng trở thành một người mẹ thay thế cho anh trai cùng cha khác mẹ của mình là Frank Jr. (Giovanni Ribisi), sinh ra ba đứa con của anh trong mùa thứ năm.

Joey Tribbiani [ chỉnh sửa ]

Joseph Francis "Joey" Tribbiani Jr. (Matt LeBlanc) là một diễn viên và người yêu ẩm thực tốt bụng nhưng không quá sáng dạ, người trở nên nổi tiếng một cách nhẹ nhàng với vai diễn Tiến sĩ Drake Ramoray trong một phiên bản hư cấu của Days of Our Lives . Joey là một người phụ nữ, có nhiều bạn gái trong suốt bộ phim, thường sử dụng dòng sản phẩm bắt chữ "Làm thế nào bạn làm gì?" Anh ta phải lòng Rachel trong phần tám.

Trước khi đóng vai trò trong Những người bạn LeBlanc xuất hiện như một người thường xuyên trên TV TV 101 một nhân vật phụ trong sitcom Kết hôn ... với trẻ em và là một nhân vật chính trong các phần phụ của nó, Top of the Heap Vinnie & Bobby . [21] Sau khi Friends kết thúc, LeBlanc miêu tả Joey trong một spin-off ngắn, Joey .

Chandler Bing [ chỉnh sửa ]

Chandler Muriel Bing (Matthew Perry) là một giám đốc điều hành phân tích thống kê và cấu hình lại dữ liệu cho một tập đoàn đa quốc gia lớn. Sau đó, anh nghỉ việc và trở thành một copywriter tại một công ty quảng cáo.

Chandler được biết đến với khiếu hài hước châm biếm. [22] Ông thường chế giễu người bạn thân Joey vì sự ngu ngốc của mình. Chandler thường được miêu tả là một phần của một cá nhân bất hạnh, chịu nhiều xui xẻo trong khi phải vật lộn trong cuộc sống và đôi khi phải vật lộn với chứng nghiện thuốc lá liên tục. Tuy nhiên, cuối cùng anh lại rơi vào tình yêu lẫn nhau sâu sắc với Monica và cầu hôn cô vào cuối mùa sáu, với hai người họ kết hôn vào cuối mùa bảy. Đến cuối bộ truyện, anh và Monica nhận nuôi cặp song sinh, họ đặt tên là Jack và Erica. [17]

Giống như Aniston, Perry đã xuất hiện trong một số phi công sitcom không thành công trước khi được chọn. Ông cũng đã tham gia bộ phim truyền hình Cơ hội thứ hai Sidney.

Ross Geller [ chỉnh sửa ]

Dr. Ross Eustace Geller, tiến sĩ (David Schwimmer) là một nhà cổ sinh vật học tại một bảo tàng tiền sử, và sau đó là giáo sư cổ sinh vật học tại Đại học New York. Thông minh nhất trong sáu nhân vật chính, nhưng đồng thời là một người đàn ông vụng về, kỳ quặc, Ross được biết đến là một người thông minh, biết điều, luôn tự hào về sự hợp lý của mình, mặc dù chủ nghĩa lãng mạn vô vọng rõ ràng. Anh ấy được chứng minh là người quan tâm nhất trong tất cả sáu thành viên trong các trường hợp khác nhau trong chương trình.

Ross là anh trai của Monica, bạn cùng phòng đại học của Chandler, và bạn trai của cô, một lần nữa, một lần nữa. Cuộc hôn nhân đầu tiên của anh ấy đã thất bại khi chương trình bắt đầu, với những tuần thứ hai kéo dài. Anh ta cũng say sưa kết hôn với Rachel ở Las Vegas, nhưng cuộc hôn nhân bị hủy bỏ. Mối quan hệ của Ross với Rachel là một cốt truyện chính xuyên suốt bộ truyện. Ông cũng là cha của con trai của vợ cũ Carol, Ben và con gái của Rachel, Emma. Trong loạt phim chung kết, Ross và Rachel cuối cùng đã hòa giải, quyết định ở bên nhau một lần và mãi mãi.

Nhân vật của Ross được phát triển cùng với David Schwimmer trong suy nghĩ của các nhà văn và Schwimmer cũng là diễn viên đầu tiên được chọn vào chương trình.

Trước khi được chọn vào Những người bạn Schwimmer đã đóng những nhân vật phụ trong The Wonder Years NYPD Blue ; [3] sitcom Monty . Schwimmer là thành viên diễn viên duy nhất có nguồn gốc từ thành phố New York.

Ross Geller cũng được bình chọn là nhân vật hay nhất trên Friends trong cuộc thăm dò do Comedy Central UK thực hiện. [23]

Các nhân vật tái diễn trong suốt sê-ri [ chỉnh sửa ]

Mỗi nhân vật sau của Những người bạn có thể có hoặc không đặc biệt quan trọng đối với câu chuyện của bộ truyện; từng được giới thiệu trong một mùa và thường sẽ xuất hiện trong các mùa tiếp theo.

Được giới thiệu trong phần 1 [ chỉnh sửa ]

Jack và Judy Geller [ chỉnh sửa ]

Elliott Gould miêu tả Jack Geller, Ross người cha, trong 20 tập, kéo dài từ năm 1994 đến 2003

Jack (Elliott Gould) và Judy Geller (Christina Pickles): Cha mẹ của Ross và Monica. Trong những lần xuất hiện đầu tiên, Jack thường xuyên đưa ra những bình luận không phù hợp, anh ta nhấn mạnh bằng cách kêu lên "Tôi chỉ là nói ...!" Judy thường đưa ra những nhận xét hạ thấp về việc thiếu cuộc sống tình yêu của Monica và đôi khi quên mất con gái mình thậm chí còn tồn tại, đồng thời ủng hộ Ross. Jack cân bằng hơn trong sự chú ý và quan tâm của mình đối với cả Ross và Monica. Sau khi Geller bán căn nhà của họ vào mùa 7, Jack tiết lộ rằng Jack đã sử dụng những hộp đồ cũ của Monica để chặn nước mưa chảy vào chiếc Porsche của mình. Do cảm giác tội lỗi gặm nhấm, Jack hình thành thói quen hút thuốc bí mật và quyết định tặng quà cho chiếc Porsche Porsche. Mặc dù được yêu thích trong suốt thời thơ ấu, điều này khiến Ross điên cuồng ghen tị.

Mặc dù mỗi người trong số họ đều có những điều kỳ quặc riêng, tuy nhiên, cả hai đôi khi chết lặng vì những trò hề điên rồ của con trai và con gái họ, như đám cưới thảm khốc của Ross với bài phát biểu lố bịch của Emily và Monica trong bữa tiệc kỷ niệm 35 năm của họ. Đôi khi, họ cũng cảm thấy bối rối trước những trò hề của bốn người bạn khác, chẳng hạn như những bình luận ngớ ngẩn hoặc điên rồ từ Phoebe và / hoặc Joey, một món ăn vặt nổi loạn được nấu bởi Rachel mà Joey vui vẻ ăn và Chandler bước vào một vòng xoáy coed bên cạnh Jack mà không mặc gì bên dưới chiếc khăn quấn quanh eo anh.

Pickles đã được đề cử giải thưởng Primetime Emmy cho Nữ diễn viên khách mời xuất sắc trong sê-ri hài cho sự xuất hiện của cô trong "The One Where Nana Dies Twice" năm 1995. [e 3] [ không được trích dẫn ] [19659074] Thời báo Seattle xếp Jack và Judy cùng là nhân vật khách mời thứ hai của sê-ri năm 2004. [24]

Barry Farber [ chỉnh sửa ]

Barry Farber (Mitchell Whitfield ): Vị hôn phu héo úa của Rachel. Barry, một bác sĩ chỉnh nha, quyết định đi hưởng tuần trăng mật của anh và Rachel với cô hầu gái danh dự Mindy, và sớm bắt đầu mối quan hệ với cô. Mối quan hệ của họ trở nên khó khăn khi anh và Rachel cân nhắc việc quay lại với nhau. [e 4] Anh quyết định ở lại với Mindy và hai người sau đó đã kết hôn. Rachel được mời đến đám cưới, nhưng nhận được sự tiếp đón lạnh lùng vì đã khiến Barry cảm thấy bối rối khi cô ở đó, và một bài phát biểu nực cười từ Ross khiến mọi người trong phòng không thể cải thiện chính xác tình hình cho cô, cho đến khi cô, trong một nỗ lực tuyệt vọng để cứu vãn Một chút tự hào, bước lên sân khấu nơi có micro và bắt đầu hát. [e 5] Barry và Mindy được cho là đã ly dị năm năm sau đó, sau khi cô phát hiện ra anh ta đang lừa dối cô. [e 6] Họ của Barry được đặt tên là " Finkle "trong phi công [e 1] và" Farber "trong mọi lần xuất hiện khác ngoại trừ trong" The One with the Flashback ", [e 7] nơi anh ta được gọi là" Barry Barber ". Ông cũng được gọi là "Barry White", và có thể là [ nghiên cứu ban đầu? ] được đặt tên như một sự tôn kính đối với người dẫn chương trình trò chuyện NY lâu năm Barry Farber. Barry được miêu tả là một người đàn ông nhỏ bé, ích kỷ, lừa dối, dối trá và coi thường người khác. Bắt cả Rachel và Mindy phải lòng anh ta cũng gợi ý [ nghiên cứu ban đầu? ] rằng anh ta đang bị thao túng.

Carol Willick và Susan Bunch [ chỉnh sửa ]

Carol Willick (Anita Barone cho tập đầu tiên của nhân vật, Jane Sibbett sau đó) và Susan Bunch (Jessica Hecht): Carol là đồng tính nữ Vợ cũ, người bước ra trước phi công, và Susan là cộng sự của cô. Carol đã bỏ rơi và ly dị Ross để ở bên Susan. Trong tập thứ hai của loạt phim, Carol nói với Ross rằng cô đang mang thai đứa con của anh ta, [e 8] và đang có con với người bạn đời Susan, mặc dù cô ấy muốn Ross trở thành một phần của cuộc sống của em bé. Carol và Susan thường bị bối rối bởi những trò hề của Ross trong suốt những lần xuất hiện trên màn hình của anh ấy với họ. Susan không cố gắng che giấu sự khinh miệt của mình đối với Ross và ngược lại, nhưng họ tạm thời gạt bỏ sự khác biệt của mình khi Carol sinh ra một cậu bé, người mà tất cả đều đồng ý, sau nhiều tuần tranh cãi, đặt tên cho Ben. [e 9] Carol và Susan nhận được kết hôn trong "Người có đám cưới đồng tính nữ" [e 10] và xuất hiện bất thường cho đến khi "Người có thể có được" (Susan), [e 6] và "Người có sự thật về London" (Carol). Mặc dù Ross và Carol có mối quan hệ tốt sau khi ly hôn, Ross vẫn tiếp tục phẫn nộ Susan vì mất Carol với cô ấy. [e 11]

Carol và Susan dựa trên những người sáng tạo Marta Kauffman và những người bạn thân nhất của David Crane trong New York: "Chúng tôi đã không tạo ra chúng vì bất kỳ lý do chính trị cụ thể nào hoặc vì đồng tính nữ sang trọng. Đó chỉ là một cơ hội để kể một câu chuyện thực sự thú vị." Các nhân vật được GLAAD gọi là một ví dụ tích cực về một cặp đồng tính nam trên truyền hình. Jessica Hecht ban đầu đã thử vai để chơi Monica. [26]

Gunther [ chỉnh sửa ]

Gunther (James Michael Tyler): Người quản lý của quán cà phê Central Perk, người đầu tiên xuất hiện với tư cách là nhân vật nền trong "The One with the Sonogram at the End". Anh ta là một cựu diễn viên đã từng đóng vai Bryce trong All My Children trước khi nhân vật đó bị "giết chết trong trận tuyết lở." [e 12] Gunther phát triển một mối tình không thể đáp lại với Rachel trong phần ba, anh ta giữ mình cho đến khi "Người cuối cùng". [e 2] Ngoài Ross, người mà anh ta không thích, anh ta có mối quan hệ khá tốt với phần còn lại của băng đảng mặc dù đôi khi bị làm phiền bởi những trò hề hay bình luận từ họ. Động lực khiến anh không thích Ross là sự ghen tuông (vì anh nhận thức được mối quan hệ của Ross với Rachel), điều này được thể hiện rõ ràng nhiều lần, đáng chú ý nhất là trong "The One the Morning After" khi anh tiết lộ với Rachel rằng Ross (người đã lầm tưởng về thời gian mối quan hệ của anh ấy với cô ấy đã vượt qua "Chúng tôi đã nghỉ ngơi") đã say rượu và lừa dối cô ấy. cốt truyện của một tập phim. Trong "The One With The Stain", [e 14] Gunther được thể hiện thông thạo tiếng Hà Lan (mặc dù có giọng Mỹ mạnh mẽ), gọi Ross là "ezel" khi anh ta nói chuyện với anh ta.

James Michael Tyler được chọn vào vai Gunther vì anh là người duy nhất có thể làm việc thành công với máy pha cà phê cappuccino trên bộ Central Perk. Tyler xuất hiện với tư cách là Gunther trong một giọng nói đồng chủ nhà trong Friends trò chơi đố dành cho PS2, PC và Xbox, và trong trò chơi hội đồng Friends: Scene It? . Thời báo Seattle đã xếp Gunther là nhân vật khách mời thứ tám của loạt phim vào năm 2004. [24] Khi được hỏi vào năm 2009 bởi Heatworld.com, Gunther sẽ làm gì "bây giờ", Tyler nói đùa, "Anh ấy sẽ nói có lẽ có một cuộc hôn nhân rất truyền thống, với rất nhiều em bé tóc trắng chạy quanh với mái tóc sáng hơn mặt trời. "[27] Bên cạnh dàn diễn viên chính, anh xuất hiện trong hầu hết các tập phim.

Marcel [ chỉnh sửa ]

Marcel (diễn viên động vật sống): Một con khỉ Capuchin mà Ross ban đầu giữ làm thú cưng, [e 15] và là người cung cấp sự hài hước cho chủ nhân của mình. Một lần Rachel mất anh ta trong thành phố, [e 16] và gọi Animal Control, chỉ để biết từ Ross rằng Marcel là một động vật kỳ lạ bất hợp pháp không thể giữ trong thành phố. Sau khi không thành công trong việc cố gắng ngăn cản nhân viên kiểm soát động vật Luisa (Megan Cavanagh) phát hiện ra rằng họ đang nuôi dưỡng một động vật kỳ lạ bất hợp pháp và khiến cô ta có hành vi kỳ quặc trong suốt những nỗ lực không thành công này, Rachel, Monica, Ross và Phoebe biết rằng Luisa là bạn học cũ của Rachel và Monica khi nhận ra Rachel cố gắng chọc tức cô vì đã hắt hơi cô ở trường trung học bằng cách cố gắng tịch thu Marcel. Để ngăn chặn điều này, Rachel đe dọa sẽ nói với ông chủ của Luisa về cách cô bắn Phoebe "vào mông bằng phi tiêu" có ý nghĩa với Marcel. Sau đó, khi Marcel trưởng thành về mặt tình dục và bắt đầu gồng mình mọi thứ, Ross phải đưa anh ta đến một sở thú [e 17] - "nơi anh ta có thể tiếp cận với việc yêu khỉ thông thường". Cuối cùng, Ross phát hiện ra rằng Marcel sau đó đã bị đánh cắp khỏi sở thú và tham gia vào một cuộc sống kinh doanh show, và sau khi đóng vai chính trong một quảng cáo rượu rượu, diễn viên chính trong một bộ phim ở New York, [e 18] nơi họ được tái hợp lần cuối . Trong một mùa giải sau, Ross đặt câu hỏi tại sao anh ta có một con khỉ làm thú cưng.

Janice Goralnik [ chỉnh sửa ]

Janice Litman Goralnik (nhũ danh Hosenstein) (Maggie Wheeler): Bạn gái thân thiết của Chandler trong bốn mùa đầu tiên. Janice là một trong số ít các nhân vật bên cạnh sáu người bạn chính xuất hiện trong tất cả các mùa Friends . Cô có giọng nói và giọng New York dày đặc nghe có vẻ khó chịu đến nỗi khiến Chandler muốn chia tay với cô, nhưng đồng thời anh không muốn làm tổn thương cảm xúc của Janice tốt bụng. Trong khi làm một cử chỉ bằng tay giữa lúc cố gắng chia tay với cô ấy mà không làm cô ấy buồn, anh vô tình chọc vào mắt cô ấy trong "The One with the East German Giặt Powder" [e 19] và mặc dù Phoebe cuối cùng cũng có thể giải thích cho Janice thay mặt anh ấy muốn chấm dứt mối quan hệ của họ và khiến cô ấy đồng ý chia tay với anh ấy mà không làm cô ấy buồn trong quá trình đó, anh ấy đã quay lại với cô ấy vào dịp năm mới [e 15] và cho Valentine. [e 20] Khi Chandler, sau cái chết của ông Heckles, quyết không chết một mình, [e 21] ông thất vọng khi phát hiện ra rằng bà đã kết hôn và mang thai. Trong "The One with Barry and Mindy Wedding", [e 5] Chandler sắp xếp một cuộc gặp với một người phụ nữ bí ẩn qua Internet, người hóa ra là Janice. Mối quan hệ của họ kéo dài đến mùa thứ ba, khi Janice quyết định bỏ chồng để ở bên Chandler. Sau đó, Joey thấy Janice hôn chồng mình, người điều hành một doanh nghiệp nệm. [e 22] Chandler đã bỏ rơi cô trong "The One with the Giant Poking Device". [e 23] Khi Janice trở lại cuộc sống của mình, [e 24] Chandler, người cuối cùng cũng đến để thấy cô ấy không thể chịu đựng được do âm thanh khó chịu trong giọng nói, giả vờ di chuyển đến Yemen để tránh xa cô ấy. Ở tập sau, các bàn được bật lên Janice bẩm sinh khó chịu khi cô có một cuộc tình chóng vánh với Ross ngay sau khi anh chia tay Emily, vì anh không vui và dành toàn bộ cuộc hẹn hò để phàn nàn về mọi thứ, khiến cô thấy anh không thể chịu đựng nổi và rời xa anh ta (Ross đã dự đoán điều ngược lại cuối cùng sẽ xảy ra, nhưng đã rất vui khi hẹn hò với một người nghe lời anh ta rất tốt trong thời gian đó). [e 25] Cô cũng xuất hiện trên một băng trộn "phát hiện" mà Chandler chơi Monica, không biết giọng nói của Janice là gì. [e 26] Khi Chandler và Monica đính hôn, cô cố gắng can thiệp vào kế hoạch đám cưới của họ, chỉ rời đi khi Monica nói rằng Chandler vẫn còn tình cảm với Janice, điều đó không đúng. [e 27] Khi Ross và Rachel chờ đợi sự ra đời của cô con gái Emma, ​​[e 28] cô được đưa vào cùng phòng lao động với Rachel tại bệnh viện; Sau đó, cô hạ sinh một đứa con trai, Aaron, người mà cô nói đùa sẽ là chồng tương lai của Emma. Khi Monica và Chandler lên kế hoạch sinh con, [e 29] cô đưa ra lời khuyên và hỗ trợ của Chandler tại một phòng khám hỗ trợ sinh sản. Trong "The One Where Estelle Dies", [e 30] cô đến gần để mua một ngôi nhà bên cạnh nhà mà Monica và Chandler muốn mua. Để thoát khỏi cô, Chandler giả vờ rằng anh vẫn còn yêu cô, khiến cô (như anh đã hy vọng) trở nên sợ hãi rằng cuối cùng anh sẽ hủy hoại cuộc hôn nhân của mình và cô cũng sẽ hủy hoại chính mình (vì cô vẫn còn yêu Chandler) Cô sống bên cạnh anh, vì vậy cô quyết định không mua nhà sau tất cả và rời khỏi cuộc sống của Chandler dường như là tốt, nhưng lại hôn anh lần cuối trước khi cô làm điều đó, khiến anh rất ngạc nhiên.

Có lẽ do bị thích thú bởi tính cách lập dị, kỳ quặc, ngốc nghếch của họ, Janice dường như thích dành thời gian với sáu người bạn, điều này hơi mỉa mai và rất bất tiện cho họ vì không ai trong số họ có thể ở bên cô (mặc dù Cô ấy dường như hoàn toàn mù quáng trước sự thật rằng họ cảm thấy như vậy, gần như không nhận ra bất cứ điều gì về việc họ ghét phải chịu đựng cô ấy), do giọng nói khó chịu ở mũi New York mà cô ấy nói và khó chịu Tiếng súng máy. [ nghiên cứu ban đầu? ] Cô ấy cũng nhấn mạnh từng từ trong câu khẩu hiệu của mình, " Ohhh, myyy, Gawd! ", và Chandler đôi khi bắt chước cô ấy làm điều này Tiếng cười đặc biệt của Janice được sinh ra từ một Wheeler trượt lên được thực hiện trong buổi diễn tập "The One with the East German Giặt Powder"; [e 19] sau "More latte?" Của Chandler và Janice Của tôi ", Wheeler cười. [28] Thời báo Seattle xếp Janice là nhân vật khách mời hay nhất của bộ truyện năm 2004. [24]

Mr. Heckles [ chỉnh sửa ]

Mr. Heckles (Larry Hankin): Người hàng xóm ở tầng dưới của Monica và Rachel, một người đàn ông độc đoán, rất cao, thường xuyên phàn nàn về tiếng ồn, mặc dù sáu người bạn đang ở trong tình trạng khá ổn định mỗi khi anh ta tuyên bố rằng họ đang làm phiền anh ta. Lý do của anh ta cho điều này không bao giờ được tiết lộ, cho đến khi "The One Where Mr Heckles Dies", trong đó nhóm phát hiện ra rằng tiếng ồn trong căn hộ của họ rõ ràng được khuếch đại trong anh ta, và khi Chandler nghe thấy tiếng đập từ phòng bên trên trong khi ở Heckles 'căn hộ (mặc dù không bao giờ tiết lộ chính xác những gì mọi người trên lầu đang làm để gây ra tiếng nổ), nó làm anh ta bực mình đến mức vô tình bắt chước Heckles bằng cách đập vào mái nhà bằng cây chổi của mình. [e 21] Anh ta xuất hiện trong "The One with Two Các bộ phận, Phần 1 "[e 31] và" Người mà khỉ mất đi "[e 16] trước khi chết trong" Người mà ông Heckles chết ". [e 21] Như một hành động bất chấp cuối cùng, anh ta để lại tất cả những thứ linh tinh của mình "Những cô gái ồn ào trong căn hộ phía trên tôi". Anh ta xuất hiện một vai khách mời cuối cùng trong "The One with the Flashback", [e 7] lấy bối cảnh năm 1993, trong đó anh ta phàn nàn rằng tiếng ồn của Phoebe đang làm phiền tập luyện oboe của anh ta (mặc dù anh ta không thực sự chơi oboe), và vô tình (và tàn nhẫn ) khiến Joey trở thành bạn cùng phòng của Chandler. Anh ta thường nói rằng các vật phẩm là của anh ta và khi người kia nói rằng anh ta không có, anh Heckles nói rằng anh ta có thể có một cái. Chẳng hạn, khi Rachel và Phoebe đang tìm kiếm chủ nhân của một con mèo bị lạc, ông Heckles nói "Vâng, đó là con mèo của tôi." Họ nói với anh rằng anh không có một con mèo, anh trả lời "Tôi có thể có một con mèo". Theo ông Treeger, ông Heckles đã chết vì một cơn đau tim, trong khi 'càn quét'. Sự xuất hiện đầu tiên của anh trong sê-ri là trong Phần 1, "The One With the Blackout", nơi anh được ghi nhận đơn giản là "Người đàn ông kỳ lạ".

Paolo [ chỉnh sửa ]

Paolo (Cosimo Fusco): một người hàng xóm người Ý trong tòa nhà của Rachel, người mà Rachel gặp và nối lại trong "The One with the Blackout". ] Họ bắt đầu hẹn hò, khiến Ross ghen tị. Cô đã bỏ rơi anh ta sau khi anh ta nói chuyện với Phoebe [e 33] nhưng có tình một đêm cuối cùng với anh ta trong "The One with Ross's New Girlfriend". [e 34] Trong phiên bản tiếng Ý của chương trình, tên của Paolo được đổi thành Pablo và quốc tịch của anh ta là tiếng Tây Ban Nha.

Terry [ chỉnh sửa ]

Terry (Max Wright): người quản lý ban đầu tại Central Perk trước khi Gunther nhận danh hiệu, người không che giấu sự thật rằng anh ta nghĩ Rachel là một kẻ khủng khiếp phục vụ bàn và Phoebe là " vì vậy xấu" như một nhạc sĩ. Anh ta phủ nhận tiền tạm ứng của cô trong "The One Where Underdog Gets Away" [e 35] và thuê một nhạc sĩ chuyên nghiệp, Stephanie Schiffer (do Chrissie Hynde của The Pretender thủ vai), để thay thế Phoebe trong "The One with the Baby on the Xe buýt ". [e 36]

Vui Bobby [ chỉnh sửa ]

" Vui Bobby "(Robert) (Vincent Ventresca): Bạn trai nghiện rượu của Monica. Trong lần xuất hiện đầu tiên trong "Người có khỉ", [e 15] "niềm vui" của anh ta bị sập bẫy trong bữa tiệc mừng năm mới của Monica sau khi ông nội anh ta qua đời, nhưng sự chán nản của anh ta không ngăn được Monica, bực mình vì anh ta "hạ bệ" đặt một chiếc sừng trong miệng và buộc anh ta thổi vào nó, để anh ta vui mừng. Trong "The One with Russ", [e 37] nhóm phát hiện ra rằng rượu đưa "niềm vui" vào Fun Bobby. Monica cố gắng cai rượu cho anh ta nhưng lại hối hận khi anh ta trở nên vô cùng nhàm chán. Sau đó, Monica bắt đầu uống rượu vào những cuộc hẹn hò của họ, để cô có thể ngồi qua những câu chuyện buồn tẻ trong tâm trí anh. Nó được tiết lộ trong tập phim "Người có chồng của Phoebe" rằng đồ lót trên cột điện thoại là của Monica khi cô ấy quan hệ với Fun Bobby trên sân thượng. [e 38]

David [ chỉnh sửa ]

Hank Azaria đóng vai David, Phoebe yêu thích định kỳ, vào năm 1994, 2001 và 2003

David, "Nhà khoa học" (Hank Azaria): một nhà vật lý mà Phoebe yêu trong "The One with the Monkey" , khi nhận được một khoản trợ cấp học thuật cho chuyến đi nghiên cứu kéo dài ba năm tới Minsk. [e 15] Sau khi cãi nhau với đối tác nghiên cứu Max (Wayne Pére), David quyết định thực hiện chuyến đi, phá vỡ trái tim của Phoebe. Bảy năm sau, anh trở lại New York trong một chuyến viếng thăm ngắn ngủi và chia sẻ một buổi tối với Phoebe. [e 39] Hai năm sau, anh trở lại vĩnh viễn trong "The One with the Male Nanny". [e 40] Anh và Phoebe tiếp tục mối quan hệ của họ trong "Người có nhà tài trợ". [e 41] Trong "Người ở Barbados Phần 1", David cầu hôn Phoebe nhưng bị từ chối ủng hộ Mike Hannigan. [e 42]

Năm 2003 , Azaria đã được đề cử giải thưởng Primetime Emmy cho Nam diễn viên khách mời xuất sắc trong sê-ri hài cho màn trình diễn của anh ấy. [29] Azaria ban đầu thử vai cho Joey. [30]

Nora Tyler Bing chỉnh sửa ]

Nora Tyler Bing (Morgan Fairchild): Mẹ của Chandler, một tiểu thuyết gia khiêu dâm bán chạy nhất với các tác phẩm bao gồm Euphoria Unbound Euphoria At Midnight Mistress ]. Cô xuất hiện lần đầu tiên trong "Người có bà Bing", [e 43] nơi cô gặp gỡ băng đảng khi đang đi tour ở New York. Sau bữa tối, cô hôn Ross. Cô xuất hiện trong các cảnh hồi tưởng của "The One with All the Thanksgivings" [e 44] và sau đó xuất hiện trong "The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding" (với Kathleen Turner trong vai bố của Chandler) [e 45] và "The One After 'Tôi làm' ". [e 46] Thời báo Seattle xếp Nora và chồng cũ của cô ấy là nhân vật khách mời tốt thứ năm trong năm 2004. [24]

Ursula Buffay [ chỉnh sửa ]

Ursula Pamela Buffay (Lisa Kudrow): Sinh đôi giống hệt Phoebe. Kudrow bắt nguồn vai trò của Ursula trong sitcom Mad About You đóng vai cô là một cô hầu bàn vô dụng ở Riff, người thường xuyên quên các đơn đặt hàng. [m 1] Ursula hơi kỳ quặc như Phoebe. , Ursula là một cá nhân ích kỷ, vô đạo đức, trơ tráo, trơ tráo và khoái lạc, quá tự ti và tự cho mình là trung tâm đến nỗi cô thường quên đi mọi thứ, thường đối xử với Phoebe với thái độ khinh bỉ và không thích bất kỳ ai biết cô. Phoebe gọi Ursula là "người anh em song sinh độc ác" của cô. She first appears in Friends in "The One with Two Parts":[e 31] Chandler and Joey are eating at Riff's and mistake Ursula for Phoebe. Joey becomes attracted to Ursula and they start dating. Ursula tells Phoebe that she is bored with Joey and sarcastically claims that he is smart enough to figure this out on his own without her having to actually tell him (implying his stupidity irritated her, hence her naturally nasty reaction), so Phoebe pretends to be her sister to let Joey down gently. In the same episode, Helen Hunt and Leila Kenzle cameo as their Mad About You characters Jamie Buchman and Fran Devanow, in a scene where they mistake Phoebe for Ursula in Central Perk. Ursula next appears briefly in "The One with the Jam",[e 47] where she is being stalked by a man (David Arquette) who mistakes Phoebe for her. Phoebe naively begins a relationship with the man in question, but ends it with him when he cannot get over his obsession with Ursula. In "The One with the Jellyfish"[e 48] Phoebe tells Ursula that she has met their birth mother (Teri Garr), but Ursula already knows about her. In "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry",[e 49] Phoebe starts getting unwanted attention from men, and discovers that Ursula is starring in pornographic films using Phoebe's name, including a film called "Buffay The Vampire Layer". Phoebe gets revenge by claiming Ursula's cheques and embarrassing her many male fans. Flashbacks in "The One Where They All Turn Thirty"[e 50] reveal that Ursula sold Phoebe's birth certificate to a Swedish runaway, and that both sisters are 31not 30. In "The One with the Halloween Party",[e 51] Ursula introduces Phoebe to Eric (Sean Penn), her fiancé. Phoebe is horrified that Ursula has told Eric that she is a teacher, a member of the Peace Corps, a non-smoker, and attends a church group (all lies). The series finale of Mad About Youset 22 years into the future, reveals that after a successful porn career, Ursula becomes Governor of New York.[m 2]

Mindy Hunter-Farber[edit]

Mindy Hunter-Farber (Jennifer Grey in "The One with the Evil Orthodontist",[e 4]Jana Marie Hupp in "The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding"[e 5]): Rachel's maid of honor at her abortive wedding to Barry. Mindy and Rachel were best friends while growing up and their friendship is tested after Rachel discovers Mindy and Barry are seeing each other. She asks Rachel to be her maid of honor and dress in a garish pink dress. Mindy marries Barry in "The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding";[e 5] but he later cheats on her and she has divorced him by "The One That Could Have Been, Part 1".[e 6]

Ben Geller[edit]

Ben (Various actors, 1995–1999; Cole Sprouse, 2000–2002): Ross and Carol's son, born during "The One with the Birth".[e 9] Ben is played as an infant by Michael Gunderson, by brothers Charles Thomas Allen and John Christopher Allen from Season 3 to 5, and by Cole Sprouse from Season 6 to 8.


Julie (Lauren Tom): an old graduate school colleague of Ross', whom he meets again while on a trip to China; she first appears in the final scene of the season 1 finale.[e 52] They start dating but break up soon after, when Ross reveals he loves Rachel.[e 53] During the entire time Julie and Ross were dating, Rachel hated the relationship because about a week before Ross came home from China, Rachel discovered that Ross was in love with her. This made Rachel's feelings for Ross grow at a fast rate, making her jealous of Julie's relationship with him. After her break-up, she is then shown to meet Russ, a Ross doppelgänger also played by David Schwimmer, and begin a romance.


Steve (Jon Lovitz): a restaurant owner and drug addict whom Phoebe knows. In 1995, Monica tries to impress him in an attempt to get a job at his restaurant, and Phoebe tells him he is welcome to go to her apartment and try her food there, but he gets stoned on the journey there and consequently acts obnoxious. At the end of the episode, Phoebe punishes him by giving him a very painful massage.[e 54] His drug problem eventually causes him to lose his restaurant, and, in 2003, Phoebe later fixes Rachel up with him (and Ross with nobody) on a blind date, as part of a secret strategy to get Rachel and Ross back together.[e 55]

Ugly Naked Guy[edit]

Ugly Naked Guy (Jon Haugen): an obese tenant in the apartment in the building across from Monica's apartment—who frequently, perhaps invariably, is naked with the drapes open—so the gang is frequently commenting on his activities—playing cello, wearing "gravity boots", etc. He is first mentioned in the second episode of the series,[e 8] but only appears twice: first, his belly and an arm are shown in "The One with the Giant Poking Device"[e 23]—in which he is being poked from across the street by the gang (who think he is dead) with a long device made from chopsticks; second, a rear view of him from head to waist is shown in "The One Where Everybody Finds Out"[e 56] (his final show)—in which he is moving out of his apartment and Ross tries gets the apartment by ingratiating himself with Ugly Naked Guy by cavorting with him in the nude. (In "The One with the Flashback",[e 7] it is learned that he used to be "Cute Naked Guy", but then, in 1993, started putting on weight.)

For many years, the identity of the actor that played him in his extremely limited appearances was a mystery. It was speculated that Michael G. Hagerty, the actor who played Mr. Treeger, was Ugly Naked Guy. However, Hagerty denied this theory. On May 31, 2016, an article was published by Todd Van Luling in The Huffington Postdetailing his search for the identity of Ugly Naked Guy. His article revealed that an actor named Jon Haugen played the role.[31]

Introduced in season 2[edit]

Mr. Treeger[edit]

Mr. Treeger (Michael G. Hagerty): the superintendent of Monica's building. Treeger first appears in "The One Where Heckles Dies",[e 21] where he shows Heckles's lawyer where Monica and Rachel live. He next appears in "The One with Phoebe's Dad",[e 57] where Monica thinks he is playing hardball by not mending her broken radiator, and Treeger is left bewildered as Ross, Monica and Rachel repeatedly attempt to convince him to have it fixed despite his attempts to explain that he will not be able to replace the knob Ross accidentally broke off because the shop does not open until the following Tuesday. Later, when Joey rebuffs him for putting down Rachel,[e 58] he threatens to have Monica and Rachel evicted unless Joey helps him practice ballroom dancing to impress a woman (as Monica is illegally subletting the apartment which actually belongs to her late grandmother, to Treeger's irritation). In "The One with the Free Porn",[e 59] he cleans the shower drain of Chandler and Joey's newly-won apartment, and warns them never to turn off their TV after they start receiving free porn. In his final appearance,[e 60] he has a fireman break down the door to Monica's apartment after Joey tells him he smelled gas. He was also mentioned in the series finale when Monica said to everyone he need their keys to her and Rachel's apartment.

Estelle Leonard[edit]

Estelle Leonard (June Gable): Joey's talent agent. Gable made her first appearance as Estelle in "The One with the Butt",[e 61] but the scene was cut for timing reasons although it is included in the DVD version of season 1 (she is still mentioned after Joey's play in the original episode that aired). She makes her first proper appearance in "The One with Russ",[e 37] when, after Joey tells Estelle he is fed up of poor roles, she gets him a recurring part in Days of Our Lives. She witnesses Marshall Townend read a critical review of a play he had directed which Joey had starred in and along with everyone else in the room is bemused by the quirks of both Joey and Marshall in "The One with the Screamer".[e 62] Although she is shown to be supportive of Joey's career over the course of the show, in one episode, however, she appears to undermine his career[e 63] after getting the impression that Joey had left her as an agent, which he in reality had not. She dies in the last season;[e 30] Joey gives a speech at her memorial service, where it is revealed that her only other client is Al Zebooker, a man who eats paper.

When Gable auditioned for the role, she played Estelle quite plainly and was encouraged to "go away and do something with her". She returned to the audition room wearing a "fat suit" and eating a sandwich from a delicatessen, which she stubbed out a cigarette on. The performance was used in the deleted scene of "The One with the Butt".[e 61] Her age is never given but Gable believed that she was in her 80s.[32] In 2004, The Seattle Times ranked Estelle as the sixth best guest character of the series.[24] Gable also plays the nurse who delivers Ben in "The One with the Birth"

Richard Burke[edit]

Tom Selleck played Monica's boyfriend Dr. Richard Burke in several episodes between 1995 and 2000

Dr. Richard Burke (Tom Selleck): an ophthalmologist and best friend of Jack Geller. Richard is introduced in "The One Where Ross and Rachel … You Know"[e 64] when Monica caters an event at his apartment. He begins to date her despite being 21 years older, infuriating Monica's parents when they find out.[e 65] He and Monica break up in "The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding"[e 5] when he tells her he does not want more children, his own having already reached adulthood. Despite the two still being in love, they cannot reconcile this difference, and are both devastated for months. He makes a brief voice cameo in "The One Where No One's Ready",[e 66] and later they briefly attempt to rekindle their romance as "friends" before accepting that the reasons they broke up remain valid.[e 67] In "The One with the Proposal",[e 68] he proposes to Monica after she leaves Chandler, who's planning to propose but pretends to be against marriage because he "wants it to be a surprise". Eventually, Chandler comes to his apartment searching for Monica and tells Richard of his own proposal plan. Richard seems to lack sympathy for Chandler at first, responding to Chandler explaining away his plan to make her initially think he was against marriage by stating it had "worked very well" but when Chandler angrily tells him he has no right to ruin another man's relationship with her because he's already ruined his own, he realizes Chandler is right and tells him, "You go get her, Chandler. And can I give you a bit of advice? If you get her, don't let her go. Trust me"—noting that he hates the fact that he is a nice guy when Chandler thanks him. His apartment is put up for sale in Season 9, in "The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song",[e 69] but Richard is not seen. While there, Chandler finds out that Richard made a sex tape with Monica which he steals and watches, but he and Monica later discover that Richard taped over her, relieving Chandler but leaving Monica feeling insulted.

All of Selleck's entrances in Season 2 had to be refilmed after the audience left because "it was like The Beatles with the screaming and the applause". For his appearance in "The One with the Proposal",[e 68] in 2000, Selleck, for his final episode, was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series.[34] In 2004, The Seattle Times ranked Richard as the third best guest character of the series.[24]

Sandra Green[edit]

Marlo Thomas played Sandra Green, Rachel's mother, who divorced Rachel's father in Season 2, and appears in various episodes from then on

Sandra Green (Marlo Thomas): Rachel's overprotective mother. In "The One with the Lesbian Wedding",[e 10] she announces to Rachel that she never loved Rachel's father and is divorcing him. ("You didn't marry your Barry, honey—but I married mine.") She later accompanies everyone to Carol and Susan's wedding. In "The One with the Two Parties",[e 70] she arrives at Rachel's birthday party and is unaware for the whole night that her ex-husband is also there, as the six friends successfully prevent them from finding out each other are there by setting up two different parties, bemusing them both with their strange, wacky behavior in the process; Joey even ends up kissing Sandra to distract her from her ex-husband's departure. In "The One with the Baby Shower",[e 71] she is invited at the last minute to attend Rachel's baby shower, where she offers to move in with Ross and Rachel to help with the baby's first months; Ross and Rachel first accept, then change their minds.

For her appearance in "The One with the Lesbian Wedding", Thomas was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 1996.[35]


Frances (Audra Lindley): Phoebe's grandmother by her mother Lily. Her only appearance is in "The One with Phoebe's Dad",[e 57] where she reveals to Phoebe that the person in the pictures she keeps around the house is not Phoebe's father, which motivates Phoebe to try to track down her real father. Though the character appears in only one episode, she is mentioned in a few more, including in season 5's "The One with Joey's Bag",[e 72] where it is revealed that she has recently died and Phoebe plans her funeral. Phoebe inherits her grandmother's yellow taxi and apartment. She keeps the taxi until the very end of the series.

Frank Buffay Jr.[edit]

Frank Buffay Jr. (Giovanni Ribisi): Phoebe's half-brother by their father. In "The One with the Bullies",[e 73] Phoebe meets him after finding the courage to knock on her father's suburban door, but learns from Frank Jr.'s mother (played by Laraine Newman) that her father walked out several years ago. Despite not finding her father, she connects with Frank Jr. who later visits the city[e 74] where he hits on Jasmine, one of Phoebe's coworkers, and mistakes her massage parlor for a whorehouse. He eventually falls in love with and becomes engaged to Alice Knight (Debra Jo Rupp), his old home economics teacher who is 26 years his senior.[e 75] In "The One With Phoebe's Uterus",[e 76] Frank and Alice ask Phoebe to be a surrogate mother for their child, and she later gives birth to their triplets, whom she then says goodbye to in an emotional scene in "The One Hundredth". [e 77] Frank makes a final appearance in "The One Where Ross is Fine",[e 78] when he and the triplets meet Phoebe at Central Perk. In the episode, he claims he "hasn't slept in four years" and is so exhausted with raising the triplets he even proposed that Phoebe take one for her own. However, he soon realizes he loves his children too much to give any of them up, after which Phoebe proposes to start babysitting them, so that Frank and Alice can enjoy some more time off.

Previously, Ribisi appeared in "The One with the Baby on the Bus" as a stranger who leaves a condom rather than money in Phoebe's guitar case when she is singing in the street, and then comes back to retrieve it. It was never addressed if this was intended to be the same character as Frank, who had not yet been introduced by name. [e 36]

In 2004, The Seattle Times ranked Frank as the fourth-best guest character of the series.[24] Alice was only scheduled to appear in the one episode but was brought back for a recurring role after the surrogacy storyline—which was created when actor Lisa Kudrow became pregnant.[36]

Leonard Green[edit]

Leonard "Lenny" Green (Ron Leibman): Rachel's father, a surly, abrasive and rather amoral vascular surgeon; although he is genuinely affectionate and usually good-natured towards his daughter, he is generally a nasty, mean-spirited bully who is quick to insult anyone who, even by accident, irritates him in the slightest way. He takes an instant dislike to his daughter's boyfriend Ross when the latter refers to Green's profession as "a game."[e 70] Later, when Ross and Rachel conceive a child (Emma), he becomes furious that they're not engaged because he does not want his grandchild to be a bastard and ends up going to Ross' apartment and shouting at him because Rachel (who is afraid of Leonard's anger) lied to him and claimed that Ross refused to ask her to marry him, leading Rachel to eventually clarify the situation for him.[e 79] He has a heart attack in "The One Where Joey Speaks French"[e 80] and is recovering in the hospital when Ross turns up with Rachel, though he once again is not willing to treat with any kindness or respect.

Although Leonard, like his daughter Amy, was a deliberately unpleasant and unlikeable character, the comic relief he provided caused him, again like his daughter Amy, to become memorable as a character fans[clarification needed] "loved to hate."[original research?]

Introduced in season 3[edit]

Mark Robinson[edit]

Mark Robinson (Steven Eckholdt): Rachel's deskmate at Bloomingdale's, who first appears in "The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister" (airdate January 9, 1997; Season 3, No. 11). Ross is jealous of Mark as he mistakenly suspects that he and Rachel are having an affair. It is Mark's presence at Rachel's apartment after he offered to provide her with comfort after her fight with Ross which leads Ross, overhearing his voice in the background after phoning Rachel and mistakenly thinking he is there to have sex with her, to become convinced that his relationship with her is now over and, after angrily hanging up, get drunk and sleep with Chloe[e 81] ultimately ending Ross and Rachel's relationship. Later, Mark asks Rachel on a date and she accepts, however she rejects his advances when she realizes she only accepted the offer to get back at Ross.[e 82] That is the last time Mark is seen until "The One with Princess Consuela",[e 83] where he informs Rachel of a job in Paris. Ross fails to recognize him but becomes jealous all over again once reminded, even declaring his extreme hatred of Mark and forbids Rachel of going to dinner with him. It is also revealed that since his previous appearance he has married and had kids (twins, actually) - once informed of this, an embarrassed Ross wonders "Should we send something?"


Sophie (Laura Dean): Mark's replacement. Sophie is frequently victimized by her boss Johanna and occasionally bewildered by ridiculous comments from Chandler (who had a brief relationship with Joanna). In the episode "The One Where They're Going to Party!",[e 84] she is ecstatic about Joanna's death.


Joanna (Alison LaPlaca): Rachel's boss, who despite being occasionally bewildered by his ridiculous comments, dates Chandler in two episodes (once in season 3,[e 85] once in season 4[e 86]). She is hostile to her assistant, Sophie, but usually good-natured towards Rachel. After deliberately sabotaging Rachel's promotion in order to keep her, she finally offers Rachel a promotion within her own department,[e 84] but is knocked down and killed by a cab before she can effect it.


Douglas "Doug" (Sam McMurray): Chandler's new boss in "The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion".[e 87] Doug enjoys calling Chandler "Bing!" and slapping his male colleagues on the butt. Monica and Chandler play a game of tennis with Doug and his wife, who are left exhausted, irritated and bewildered by Monica's ridiculously overly-competitive attitude in "The One with Chandler's Work Laugh" (January 21, 1999; Season 5, No. 12). In this episode, it is implied that he, his wife, and the rest of Chandler's co-workers all dislike Joey, whom Chandler claims damaged his reputation in their eyes (presumably with all his stupidity) after he invited him to a work office party, damage repaired by Monica when he invited her to a different one. In "The One with Ross's Step Forward" (airdate December 13; 2001; Season 8, No. 11), he invites Monica and Chandler to dinner to celebrate his divorce. To get out of it, Chandler pretends that he wants to be on his own because he and Monica have split up but it backfires when Doug, who despite his seemingly cheerful and relieved attitude towards his divorce is in reality clearly depressed over it, tries to cheer Chandler up by taking him to strip clubs, drunkenly throwing cans at birds and throwing (Doug's) wedding ring into the gutter (Chandler had refused Doug's offer at first, but then made the mistake of thoughtlessly stating his reason for this as being that Monica would not appreciate it, only to then be forced to correct himself upon seeing Doug's confused expression).


Bonnie (Christine Taylor): Phoebe's formerly bald friend, first mentioned in episode "The One with the Candy Hearts" (although referred to as 'Abby' then), whom she sets up with Ross in "The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion". Rachel met Bonnie two years prior to the events of this episode, and remembers her as a "weird bald chick"; however, when Rachel meets her she is horrified to see that her hair has actually grown back and she is actually a very attractive woman. Since Rachel still has feelings for Ross, she, in a successful attempt to make Bonnie less attractive to him, convinces her to shave her hair off again in "The One at the Beach" (airdate May 15, 1997; Season 3, No. 25). She makes a brief appearance at the beginning of "The One with the Jellyfish", when Ross decides to dump her and get back together with Rachel. He implies that he made a dreadful mess of breaking up with her, both upsetting and enraging her in the process.

Phoebe Abbott[edit]

Teri Garr played Phoebe's birth mother, Phoebe Abbott, in three episodes of Seasons 3 and 4

Phoebe Abbott (Teri Garr): Phoebe's birth mother. Phoebe tracks her down in "The One at the Beach", believing her to be a friend of Lily's. She reveals her parentage at the end of the episode and makes amends with Phoebe in "The One with the Jellyfish". Later, when Phoebe wants to be a surrogate mother for Frank and Alice's child,[e 76] she lends Phoebe her puppy to demonstrate how difficult it is to give up children after carrying them.

The Chick and the Duck[edit]

The Chick and the Duck (live animal actors): Chandler and Joey's pet birds. In "The One With a Chick and a Duck.", Joey adopts a chick from an animal sanctuary, misunderstanding a news report about people who buy chicks and then find they cannot properly care for them. Encouraged by Phoebe to return the chick, but discovering that the animals would be euthanized, Chandler, who went to give the chick back, returns home with the chick and a duck. Chandler and Joey treat the chick and the duck as their own children—at one point, Chandler punishes the duck by sending him out to the hall ("You stay out here and think about what you did!").

Chandler briefly names the chick "Yasmine", after Baywatch actress Yasmine Bleeth (the chick later, however, turns out to be a rooster, not a hen); and in "The One With Ross's Thing", Chandler refers to the possible offspring of the duck and the chick as "Dick", while Joey refers to it as "Chuck". By Season 6 the animals disappeared; the duck was mentioned but not seen in Season 7. In the final episode of the series,[e 2] Joey bought Chandler a new duckling and chick as a housewarming gift—which Joey names "Duck Jr." and "Chick Jr."—and it is revealed that the original birds died a while ago, and Chandler, not wanting Joey to be upset about it, told him that they had gone to live on a farm, where visitors were not allowed.

Introduced in season 4[edit]


Stuart "Stu" (Fred Stoller): a waiter at the restaurant Allesandro's, where Monica gets a job in "The One Where They're Going to Party!" In "The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie" (airdate December 19, 1997; Season 4, No. 10), Stu leads a kitchen staff rebellion against Monica (his motivation being partly that she had written an extremely critical review of the restaurant's food and service in the paper prior to being hired to work there herself, which he and the rest of the staff had felt publicly humiliated by and partly that a member of his family lost his job after she replaced him as the head chef), locking her in a cold storage room and writing insults on her chef's hat. Monica hires Joey as a stooge so she can show her authority in front of the staff by firing him in front of them all, and the rebellion soon ends. In "The One with the Stripper",[e 79] Stu gives Monica the phone number of someone she assumes is a stripper for Chandler's belated bachelor party, though she turns out to be a prostitute.

Emily Waltham[edit]

Emily Waltham (Helen Baxendale): The English niece of Rachel's boss Mr Waltham, who arrives for a two-week visit to New York in "The One with Joey's Dirty Day". She has a whirlwind romance with Ross and they decide to get married. Her friendly relationship to Rachel soon changes during the wedding. The friends fly to London for their wedding in "The One with Ross's Wedding" (airdate May 7, 1998; Season 4, No. 23 & 24), and Ross accidentally says Rachel's name at the altar, humiliating Emily in front of her friends and family. She aims to reconcile with him at the airport in "The One After Ross Says Rachel" (airdate September 24, 1998; Season 5, No. 1) but sees Rachel with him and storms out again. Ross tries to convince her to move to New York.[e 88] She agrees but makes him promise to get rid of everything Rachel has ever come into physical contact with, in the friends' apartments, which would be virtually impossible, and she demands that he never see Rachel again. When she learns that he's having dinner with the old gang—including Rachel—she tells him she cannot trust him and she decides to end the marriage. She makes a final voice cameo in "The One with the Ride Along",[e 89] when she leaves a message on Ross's answering machine the night before her new wedding, telling him she is having second thoughts about it and is worried that they made a mistake splitting up. Rachel accidentally deletes the message, but tells Ross about it and convinces him not to respond to it. Emily's surname is that of the city where both creators of the show attended college.

Patsy Kensit was originally approached to play the role but turned it down.[37] Emily and Ross's marriage was intended to last much longer in the series, but Helen Baxendale became pregnant prior to Season 5 and was unable to travel for the show; hence, her limited appearances after Season 4.[38] Helen Baxendale was asked to reprise the role in Season 10, but turned it down to star in the West End play After Miss Julieand because she did not want the same level of tabloid attention she received in 1998.[39]

Stephen and Andrea Waltham[edit]

Stephen (Tom Conti) and Andrea Waltham (Jennifer Saunders): Emily's father and shrewish stepmother, introduced in "The One with Ross's Wedding, Part 2". Their marriage is icy and they openly treat one another with disdain. They are equally hostile towards Jack and Judy Geller when the Gellers refuse to pay for their house to be remodelled after the wedding reception. When the wedding takes place, like all of the guests they are shocked and utterly dumbfounded when Ross accidentally says Rachel's name instead of Emily's during the vows. In "The One After Ross Says 'Rachel'", Stephen angrily tells Ross that consequently Emily has gone into hiding after escaping out of the bathroom window and now feels humiliated, but this does not stop Andrea from telling Ross in front of him that she thinks he (Ross) is "delicious". Andrea's final words onscreen are, to Ross, "Call me." Stephen's final words onscreen, to Andrea in response to her flirting with Ross, are "You spend half your life in the bathroom-why don't you ever go out the bloody window?!"

Introduced in season 5[edit]

Mr. Zelner[edit]

Mr. Zelner (Steve Ireland): an executive at Polo Ralph Lauren, who interviews Rachel while at the same time finding her quirks hard to deal with in "The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss".[e 90] After Rachel is promoted in Season 7, he becomes a recurring character. In "The One with Princess Consuela", he fires Rachel after overhearing her interview with a Gucci representative.[e 83] Ross tries to get Rachel her job back by bribing Zelner: Zelner has a son called Ross who likes dinosaurs. Ross says his name is "Ron", shocked to hear that Zelner's son is also named Ross. [e 30]


Kim (Joanna Gleason): a colleague of Rachel's at Polo Ralph Lauren. In "The One Where Rachel Smokes", Rachel thinks she is missing out on important decisions, as they are always made when Kim goes on a smoking break. She tries to take up smoking so she can stay in the loop but is unsuccessful when Kim, initially bewildered by Rachel's wacky behavior throughout her attempts to join her while she is smoking, threatens to fire her if she keeps damaging her health.[e 91] Later, Kim thinks Rachel kissed Ralph Lauren in order to take her job, when it was really Phoebe who kissed "Kenny the copy guy". After unsuccessfully trying to deny the affair, Rachel pretends Ralph dumped her. Kim believes her when she sees what she thinks is a cold look from Ralph (appearing as himself) in the elevator.[e 92]

Introduced in season 6[edit]

Note: All characters who were introduced in this season have not re-appeared in further seasons. Consequently, they are listed in #Only in season 6.

Introduced in season 7[edit]

Tag Jones[edit]

Eddie Cahill recurred as Tag Jones in six episodes of Season 7 and one episode of Season 8

Thomas "Tag" Jones (Eddie Cahill): Rachel's inexperienced but attractive new assistant at Polo Ralph Lauren. She hires him after being promoted, not because he is the best choice for the job but because she is smitten with him.[e 93] After he also becomes interested in her they try to keep their relationship a secret from her boss Zelner; otherwise Tag's employment would be a conflict of interest.[e 94] In "The One Where They All Turn Thirty" Rachel breaks up with Tag when she realizes that their six-year age difference makes him too young and immature for her to be dating if she intends to follow her marriage schedule.[e 50] He reappears in "The One with the Red Sweater" in season eight when Phoebe thinks he is the father of Rachel's unborn baby. He tells Rachel that he has matured a lot since their break-up and wants to get back together with her, but is scared away when he finds out she is pregnant by someone else. He later meets up with Ross—who is the real father and is wearing the same kind of red sweater.[e 95]

Charles Bing/Helena Handbasket[edit]

Charles Bing/Helena Handbasket (Kathleen Turner): Chandler's drag-queen father and Nora's ex-husband, regularly referred to and an unseen character in previous seasons. Determined to invite him to their wedding in "The One with Chandler's Dad", Monica drags Chandler to Charles' burlesque show in Las Vegas, where he is seen for the first time, performing under the name "Helena Handbasket". Chandler invites him to the wedding,[e 96] and he and Nora walk Chandler down the aisle in "The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding, Part 1".[e 97] He does not appear at the reception in "The One After 'I Do'",[e 46] though a deleted scene reveals he is upstairs crying after Joey accidentally ruined his dress.

Introduced in season 8[edit]


Emma Geller-Green (Cali Sheldon & Noelle Sheldon): Rachel and Ross' infant daughter. Though Rachel had originally wanted to name her daughter "Isabella," she wound up in tears when she decided that the name did not suit her and was dismayed by her other remaining choice, Delilah ("Oh great! Suddenly she sounds like a biblical whore.") Monica graciously suggests "Emma," the name she had chosen for her own future daughter when she was fourteen, but concedes that since "Nothing goes with 'Bing', so I'm screwed," so Rachel can give the name to her own daughter.

Introduced in season 9[edit]

Mike Hannigan[edit]

Paul Rudd played the recurring character Mike Hannigan, boyfriend and husband of Phoebe, throughout Seasons 9 and 10

Michael "Mike" Hannigan (Paul Rudd): Phoebe's boyfriend and later husband: in "The One with the Pediatrician" (airdate October 10, 2002; Season 9, No. 3), Joey and Phoebe decide to go on a double date, promising to fix each other up with blind dates. However, Joey forgets about Phoebe's date, and wanting to prevent her from discovering this when she enquires about the name of the man he has fixed her up with, he pretends that someone called "Mike" will be her date. He then enters the coffee shop and desperately yells "Mike!" Mike Hannigan replies and is roped into the date, which does not go well as Mike accidentally makes it clear that he does not actually know Joey personally, and Joey tries to recover the situation, consequently upsetting Phoebe and turning off his own blind date Mary-Ellen in the process. Mike feels sorry for Phoebe as he watches her leave and when he spots her again in the coffee shop the next day, he speaks to her and explains that he allowed himself to be roped into the date "because I was told that I'd get a free dinner-which I didn't-and that I'd meet a pretty girl-which I did." A flattered Phoebe does not turn him down when he asks her out on a second date,[e 98] which is equally bad thanks to Ross, who accidentally upsets Phoebe before it can begin, causing her to spend rather a lot of the night crying on Mike's shoulder. Ross goes to Mike's house and tries to explain to him that he had accidentally upset Phoebe, which sets off a chain of ridiculous events that result in Mike ultimately deciding he still has feelings for Phoebe, and eventually, they decide to move in together;[e 99] Phoebe suggests that one day they could get married but he tells her that, after his messy divorce, he never wants to get married again, which results in them breaking up. Emotionally unable to be apart from each other, they reconcile in "The One with the Memorial Service" (airdate March 13, 2003; Season 9, No. 17). In "The One in Barbados, Part 1", Monica summons Mike to Barbados, where he proposes to Phoebe at the same time as David. She turns both of them down but tells David that Mike is the man she wants to be with. Subsequently, Mike has to break up with Precious (Anne Dudek), the girl he has been seeing since breaking up with Phoebe, but he gets Phoebe (who annoys Precious by calling her "Susie") to get Precious to dump him instead.[e 100] In "The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits" (airdate October 30, 2003; Season 10, No. 5), he proposes to her, and they are married soon after by Joey.[e 101] When Phoebe briefly changes her name to "Princess Consuela Bananahammock",[e 83] he suggests changing his name to "Crap Bag" making her change it back. He makes a brief appearance in "The Last One", bringing over a "Welcome to the World, Baby Bing" banner to Monica and Chandler's and tells Phoebe that he wants to have a baby, too.

Theodore and Bitsy Hannigan[edit]

Theodore and Bitsy Hannigan (Gregory Itzin and Cristine Rose): Mike's rich, haughty parents. He introduces Phoebe to them,[e 69] and soon after they make it clear that they do not approve of Phoebe due to being both irritated and bewildered by her odd quirks, but Mike defies them and declares his love for her in front of his parents and their two "sinfully boring" friends (who are likewise bemused by the odd quirks of Phoebe). They later meet Joey, who confuses and bemuses them with his comments about how nice it is that "their little ones are growing up" (Phoebe had told him he was "like a dad" to her) and later attend the wedding in "The One with Phoebe's Wedding". His father makes his mother drink a lot of alcohol at the wedding so that she does not create a scene.

Amy Green[edit]

Amy Green (Christina Applegate): one of Rachel's two sisters, who first appears in "The One with Rachel's Other Sister" (airdate November 21, 2002; Season 9, No. 8). She arrives at Monica and Chandler's for Thanksgiving dinner, where she is annoyed that she would not get custody of Emma if Rachel and Ross died. A boorish, hedonistic, brazen, dimwitted, amoral, materialistic and utterly unlikeable bully who could not care less about other people's feelings, she greatly irritates the friends with her cruelly honest opinions of them and selfish, self-absorbed attitude, though seems a little afraid of Monica, convinced that she's crazy (after witnessing Monica's bizarre rules when it comes to eating off of the china plates she and Chandler received as a wedding present). When Rachel and Amy later have a fight after the former feels the latter has insulted Emma, which results in them accidentally breaking one of Monica's plates (causing her to nearly pass out) Chandler (on the one and only occasion where one of Rachel's friends ever made a successful attempt to stand up to Amy) angrily tells them off as a father would do, and orders Amy to apologise for ruining Thanksgiving, which she does. Chandler then bemuses them both first by telling them that "that fight was totally arousing" and then accidentally breaking the rest of the plates.

Amy appears again in "The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits", where she tells Rachel that she plans to marry her ex-boyfriend's father, who is rich. Rachel tries to teach her responsibility by letting her babysit Emma (who Amy calls 'Ella', insisting it's prettier), and tries to convince her to stop being so selfish and do something nice for another person. Eventually, Amy decides to take Rachel's advice and do something nice for Emma. Only trouble is, the utterly self-absorbed and self-centered Amy decides to get Emma's ears pierced.

Although Amy, like her father Leonard, was a deliberately unpleasant and unlikeable character, the comic relief she provided caused her to, again like her father Leonard, become memorable as a character that fans "loved to hate." In 2003, Applegate won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series for her appearance in "The One with Rachel's Other Sister" and was nominated again for her appearance in "The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits".

Charlie Wheeler[edit]

Charlie Wheeler (Aisha Tyler): an attractive paleontology professor (goes to Woodroffe school) whom Ross falls for in "The One with the Soap Opera Party" (airdate April 24, 2003; Season 9, No. 20). He plans to ask her out, but is too late when she gets together with Joey instead. Initially angry, he eventually accepts Joey and Charlie's relationship and helps Joey come up with intelligent places to take her on dates in "The One with the Fertility Test". At Ross's conference in "The One in Barbados", Charlie tells Joey that they have nothing in common and breaks up with him. She and Ross then get together. In "The One with Ross's Grant" (airdate November 6, 2003; Season 10, No. 6), she breaks up with Ross and gets back together with her old flame, Dr. Benjamin Hobart (Greg Kinnear).

The character of Charlie was created in part to counter criticism the Friends production staff had received for featuring too few characters played by ethnic minority actors. Aisha Tyler was only the second major supporting character to be portrayed by a black actress, following Gabrielle Union's appearance as Kristen Lang in "The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress" (airdate March 15, 2001; Season 7, No. 17).[40] The role was not specifically written for a black actor. Tyler told the St Petersburg Times"I hope [people's] frustration over [the lack of diversity] is tempered by the fact that when they wrote this role, they didn't wimp out. They wrote her so smart and sexy and elevated, she wasn't just the black girl on Friends."[41]

Introduced in season 10[edit]

Anna Faris played Erica, a young expectant woman who lets Monica and Chandler adopt her twins in Season 10


Erica (Anna Faris): a young girl from Cincinnati who decides to let Monica and Chandler adopt her baby in "The One with the Birth Mother" (airdate January 8, 2004; Season 10, No. 9). She visits New York in "The One Where Joey Speaks French" and sees the tourist sites with Monica and Chandler. She goes into labor at the end of "The One with Rachel's Going Away Party" and gives birth to twins Erica and Jack in "The Last One."

Jack and Erica Bing[edit]

Jack and Erica Bing—the adopted son and daughter of Monica and Chandler, born in "The Last One." They were portrayed by Cristobal and Antonella. It is revealed that Monica and Chandler did not know they would be having twins until they were born. Chandler suggests giving one of them up but Monica refuses, saying, "We cannot split them up. They're our children and they're coming with us.".[e 2]

Missy Goldberg[edit]

Missy Goldberg (Ellen Pompeo): a woman from Ross' and Chandler's college, at which they both made a pact to not ask her out so it would not damage their friendship, introduced in "The One Where the Stripper Cries" (airdate February 5, 2004; Season 10, No. 11). At a reunion, Chandler gives Ross permission to break the pact, now that he is married, where it is revealed that Chandler and Missy made out numerous times during college after school hours in the school's science labs, which Ross calls his "turf".

Benjamin Hobart[edit]

Benjamin Hobart (Greg Kinnear): Nobel Prize–winning paleontologist and ex-boyfriend of Ross' girlfriend Charlie Wheeler, introduced in "The One with Ross's Grant". After seeing Charlie again for the first time in an apparently long while and meeting Ross for the first time (who bemuses him with ridiculous comments) he eventually confesses to Ross he is still in love with her and then unsuccessfully tries to persuade Ross to break up with her. When Ross refuses, Benjamin comes to resent him and displays this resentment by asking utterly ridiculous questions at the grant interview. He and Charlie eventually get back together, after Ross makes him confess his actions in front of her.

Amanda Buffamonteezi[edit]

Amanda Buffamonteezi (Jennifer Coolidge): an annoying lady who used to live in the building before moving to England.[e 102] She picks up a fake English accent and claims to have slept with Evel Knievel. Her inflated ego and utterly self-absorbed attitude cause Monica and Phoebe to find her insufferable, but since they do not want to hurt the nonetheless good-natured Amanda's feelings, they agree to meet up with her in the coffee shop after Chandler ruins their original plan not to take any of her phone calls by doing exactly that and informing her that they are in the house with him, and then bemuses her by informing her that he takes pedicures before handing the phone to Monica.


Roy (Danny DeVito): a stripper in "The One Where the Stripper Cries", who is hired for Phoebe's bachelorette party at the last minute after she expresses disappointment that the party is not "dirtier". Put under pressure to quickly hire a stripper by Phoebe (who had forgotten to ask them to hire one prior to when the party actually began) they look through the phone book and call the first stripper whose number they discover, asking him to quickly arrive at Monica's apartment where the party is taking place. When he turns up, the girls are surprised to see that he is at least 50 years old, but also delusional about his physical appearance, as he clearly has trouble accepting the fact that he has not aged gracefully and is not physically appealing to women anymore. When he sees that Phoebe is not enjoying his performance he gets annoyed, particularly when she claims while cringing that "this is how (she) looks when (she's) turned on." They have an argument over whether or not he should be paid for arriving after a rather difficult and rushed journey to the apartment on his part, and when she refuses to allow a sympathetic Rachel and Monica to pay him and also insults him, the sensitive stripper gets upset and cries as he is forced to accept the fact that he is no longer physically attractive, but stripping is all he knows. In her guilt, Phoebe comforts him and tells him that he should teach stripping instead. At her insistence, he then performs one last time for the party.


Mackenzie (Dakota Fanning): the daughter of the current residents of the house Monica and Chandler buy. She winds up helping Joey deal with his anxieties about Chandler and Monica moving out of the city. As a bit of revenge for Joey's overanxious behavior, Monica and Chandler briefly pretend that Mackenzie is a ghost.[e 30]

Characters appearing in only one season[edit]

Each of the following characters of Friendsportrayed by a celebrity, may or may not be particularly significant to the story

Only in season 1[edit]

Joseph Tribbiani Sr. and Gloria Tribbiani[edit]

In "The One with the Boobies" (airdate January 19, 1995; Season 1, No. 13), Joey finds out that his father, Joey Sr. (Robert Costanzo), is having an affair with another woman, Ronni (Lee Garlington). Joey (the son) tries to set things right, but Gloria (Brenda Vaccaro), Joey's mother, who secretly knew about the affair all along, makes Joey change it back because her husband's been unusually nice to her since he started cheating on her.

Though Joey's parents do not appear on the show again, Joey Sr. later makes an appearance on the spin-off series Joeymaking Costanzo the only actor, besides Matt LeBlanc, to reprise his role from Friends on the series

Drs. Michael Mitchell and Jeffrey Rosen[edit]

Drs. Michael Mitchell (George Clooney) and Jeffrey Rosen (Noah Wyle): Two doctors whom Rachel and Monica meet at a hospital, then go on a date with, with Monica and Rachel pretending to be each other for health insurance purposes—eventually causing things to go wild. Dr. Mitchell later saves the life of Ross's monkey, Marcel, who swallows alphabet tiles from a Scrabble game that nearly choke him to death.[e 31]

Jill Goodacre Connick[edit]

Jill Goodacre Connick (herself) gets trapped with Chandler in an ATM vestibule in "The One with the Blackout".[e 32] Chandler uses her cell phone to tell Joey and the others, engages in awkward conversion with her, and finally lets her play a "spin the phone pen over your head" game with him.


Alan (Geoffrey Lower) is Monica's boyfriend in "The One with the Thumb".[e 103] Everyone likes him more than Monica does. At the end of the episode Monica breaks up with him, and has the break-up talk with the other friends as if they broke up with him, too. The irony is that Alan is relieved when Monica breaks up with him as [he] 'just can't stand your friends'.


Lydia (Leah Remini): a single mother-to-be whose childbirth Joey assists before going to see Carol give birth to Ben.[e 9] Remini had originally auditioned for the role of Monica.


Roger (Fisher Stevens): Phoebe's annoying boyfriend who analyzes each one of the friends and gets to their nerve. Appears in "The One With The Boobies."

Only in season 2[edit]

Chris Isaak portrays Phoebe's date, Rob Donnan, who bans her from the library for singing songs that, as parents claim, offensively influence children.
Julia Roberts portrays Susie Moss, who plots revenge on Chandler for lifting her skirt to reveal her underwear in her childhood by taking away his clothes and leaving him her underwear in the public place.

Caroline Duffy[edit]

Caroline Duffy (Lea Thompson): a cartoonist. Reprising her role from Caroline in the Cityshe talks with Joey and Chandler—seeing them with Ben and consequently thinking them to be lovers—in "The One with the Baby on the Bus".[e 36]

Eddie Manoick[edit]

Eddie Manoick (Adam Goldberg): a temporary roommate of Chandler. After Joey, having landed the recurring role Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days of Our Livesmoves into his own apartment,[e 65] Chandler gets a new roommate.[e 104] Eddie and Chandler have nothing in common; Eddie hates Baywatchfoosball, and sports in general, and likes to steal mannequins from Macy's and dehydrate fruit. In "The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies",[e 105] he suspects Chandler of both having sex with his ex-girlfriend Tilly and killing his goldfish, so spites him by stealing his insoles. Later he forgets these events, but Chandler wants him out after learning that Eddie watches him sleep.[e 12] Eddie agrees to leave but later denies the conversation took place; he also claims that he and Chandler once took a trip to Las Vegas and genuinely believes it to have happened, confirming Chandler's suspicion that he is mentally ill. Bizarrely, Phoebe finds Eddie's weird behavior attractive. Chandler ultimately gets rid of Eddie by allowing Joey to move back in; they move Eddie's stuff out into the hall and pretend that Eddie moved out (and Joey moved back in) a year ago. The madman falls for their bluff and leaves. He is never seen again afterwards (although it was humorously noted in a guide to this particular season that Eddie would "probably come back with a gun").

Adam Goldberg later appeared in the second season of Joey as a different character.

Rob Donnan[edit]

Rob Donnan (Chris Isaak): Rob asks Phoebe to sing for the children at a library, but their parents are horrified by her morbidly honest lyrics. However, the kids like the songs and come to the café to listen to her.[e 18]

Zoo staffs[edit]

Zoo Administrator (Fred Willard) of the zoo Ross sent Marcel to, after Marcel started humping everything. When Marcel is kidnapped and forced into show business, he and the rest of the zoo staff decide to cover up the break-in, out of fear of bad publicity. When Ross visits the zoo with the intention of seeing Marcel, the administrator lies and informs Ross that Marcel has died. Ross later learns the truth about what happened to Marcel from the Zoo Janitor (Dan Castellaneta), a very unusual man with a strange fascination for the animals in the zoo.[e 18]

Susie Moss[edit]

Susie "Underpants" Moss (Julia Roberts): an old childhood friend of Chandler, who's working on the production of a movie,[e 18] and with whom Chandler has a colored history: when they were in elementary school, Chandler pulled up Susie's skirt when she was on stage, revealing her underwear to the entire school, and she never lived it down until she graduated high school. They arrange a date, Chandler unsuspecting that it is a plot to get revenge. After convincing him to wear her panties, Susie takes him out to dinner, undresses him in the men's room, and takes off with his clothes—leaving him in a bathroom stall wearing nothing but her panties. She is never seen again.

Jean-Claude Van Damme[edit]

Jean-Claude Van Damme (himself): an actor in the movie Susie's producing, over whom Rachel and Monica compete for attention. Monica has a crush on him but is too shy to ask him out; so Rachel attempts to on her behalf, but he says he'd rather go out with her (Rachel). Rachel asks Monica for permission, which she unhappily gives. After Rachel goes on the date with him it causes a fight between her and Monica that ends with Rachel telling Monica that she will not see him anymore, so that Monica can go out with him. When Monica goes on her date with him, she finds out he only agreed to go out (with Monica) because Rachel told him that Monica was "dying to have a threesome with him and Drew Barrymore". Monica immediately dumps him. When she gets home she and Rachel fight again, but this time end up apologizing to each other, agreeing they should not have let him come between them. He is last seen being greatly irritated – along with everyone else on the studio set – by Joey's stupidity while trying to act alongside him.[e 18]

Erika Ford[edit]

Erika Ford (Brooke Shields): a mentally ill stalker who thinks that Joey is actually Dr. Drake Ramoray, the character he plays on Days of Our Lives.[e 18] Despite this, Joey goes on a date with her. She dumps him when she suspects "Drake" is cheating on her with another woman (actually another character in the soap opera). He tries to explain that "It's a TV show!" and "I'm not Drake!", but she does not understand, so Ross tells her Joey's "Hans Ramoray", Drake's "evil twin"—and Joey tells her to go to Salem to find the "real" Drake Ramoray. She is never seen again afterwards.


Ryan (Charlie Sheen) arrives in New York on leave from the Navy to see Phoebe, who has chicken pox at the time.[e 106] He is bewildered to see Phoebe covering her head with a scarf, trying to disguise the fact that she has chicken pox; eventually convincing her to admit this to him, he decides he cannot stand to be apart from her and consequently catches chicken pox from her and they both spend the rest of the time sick and trying to not scratch at the sores.


Duncan (Steve Zahn) is a Canadian ice dancer that Phoebe married in order to allow him to get a green card.[e 38] While Phoebe believed him to be homosexual, he returned to ask Phoebe for a divorce because he has realized he is straight and has proposed to another woman. After witnessing and being bewildered by Rachel's antics with a pigeon (after she trapped it inside a saucepan), he admits to Phoebe the truth about his sexuality.

Only in season 3[edit]

Jon Favreau played Monica's entrepreneur and ultimate fighting boyfriend Pete Becker in six episodes
In "The One with the Screamer" (1997), Ben Stiller portrayed Tommy, Rachel's date, whom Ross finds insane for yelling at people whenever angered
Robin Williams (far above) and Billy Crystal (above) portrayed uncredited roles of Tomas and Tim, respectively, in the opening of "The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion" (1997).


Chloe (Angela Featherstone): "The girl from the copy place", with whom Ross drunkenly sleeps while mistakenly thinking his relationship with Rachel was over.[e 81] She is mentioned twice in "The One with the Jam". Ross quickly tries to usher her out of his apartment in "The One with the Morning After".

Pete Becker[edit]

Pete Becker (Jon Favreau): a computer software genius and multi-millionaire. Pete tips Monica $20,000 at the Moondance diner in "The One with the Hypnosis Tape", which she assumes is a joke. He asks her out on a date and takes her to Rome. They start seeing each other but initially break up because Monica is not attracted to him. They reconcile after Monica kisses him when he offers her a job in his restaurant (which she turns down), and then realizes that she is attracted to him after all. Monica thinks he is going to propose in "The One with Ross's Thing" (airdate May 1, 1997; Season 3, No. 23); instead, he tells her he wants to become the Ultimate Fighting Champion. He gets badly beaten by Tank Abbott,[e 87] and Monica ends it with him after he refuses to quit.

The character of Pete was conceived as "a Bill Gates billionaire genius scientist-type" to whom Monica was not attracted. The producers and casting director had difficulty finding an actor to play Pete as they wanted, "someone who was appealing enough that we liked him, so we could root for him, but on the other hand, wasn't so drop-dead male model gorgeous that we would go, 'What's your problem?' to Monica when she didn't fall for him."

Kate Miller[edit]

Kate Miller (Dina Meyer): Joey's co-star in the play Boxing Day.[e 82] Joey falls for her, and she sleeps with him ... but she fails to see any attraction in him and is already dating the director. The play turns out to be dismal, and after the director dumps her she gets together with Joey in "The One with the Screamer". Joey is distraught when she leaves for a soap opera role in Los Angeles. In the episode "The One in Barbados (1)", Joey and Rachel, in hope of getting into the Pharmaceutical convention, use fake IDs in which one of the names is "Kate Miller".

Marshall Townend[edit]

Marshall Townend (Reg Rogers): the overly dramatic, self-absorbed director of Boxing Daywho is dating Kate. He and everyone else involved in making the play (apart from Lauren) are said to have made fun of Joey after Kate recognized him as a man on TV who was too idiotic to be able to open up a milk carton. He later dumps Kate after she (and the play) gets a bad review.


Lauren (Jennifer Milmore): Kate's understudy in Boxing Day. She is a big fan of Joey from his role as Dr. Drake Ramoray, and ends up sleeping with him. Joey dumps her after sleeping with Kate, and although she is initially upset (calling him "pig"), she later seems to be fine with him. She takes over the role of "Adrienne" in the play after Kate leaves for Los Angeles.

Tommy (The Screamer)[edit]

Tommy "the Screamer" (Ben Stiller): an aggressive, testosterone-fuelled bully who takes his pent-up rage out on anyone who irritates him in the slightest way by viciously screaming at them, in an episode fittingly titled "The One With The Screamer." He was briefly in a relationship with Rachel, doing well throughout this period of time to hide his aforementioned pent-up rage from her, with Ross being the only witness to it after seeing him screaming at an elderly couple who were accidentally in his and Ross' seats shortly after they first met at the theatre, and he later screams at Ross just because the latter almost spilt hot coffee on him. Frightening and intimidating people in this manner apparently amuses Tommy, who appears to be in a good mood after screaming at both Ross and the elderly couple. Ross tries to warn Rachel of what a bully Tommy is, but she does not believe him, assuming he's just making up the stories regarding Tommy's outbursts of anger in order to split them up so he can have Rachel all to himself (and considering that Tommy had learned of Ross' past with Rachel and witnessed how awkward they were around each other to his own bemusement, it is likely that he guessed after witnessing this that she would jump to this conclusion if Ross ever tried to warn her what a bully Tommy really was). However, his aggressive true colours are exposed to Rachel after she, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler and Ross witness him lose his temper after Joey and Chandler's pet baby chicken urinates in his hand and, unable to keep his anger in check, he screams at both it and their pet duck when its quacking irritates him further. Accepting to his own chagrin that she and the others are now afraid of him, he breaks up with her before leaving and is never seen again afterwards.

Isabella Rossellini[edit]

Isabella Rossellini (herself) got bumped off of Ross's "freebie list":[e 74] Ross and Rachel compile lists, each of 5 people (celebrities) one can have sex with, without incurring the other's wrath. Ross bumps Rossellini for Winona Ryder—because the latter is not "international" like Isabella—only to see Rossellini herself enter the coffee house. Rachel encourages Ross to pursue her as an "alternate", knowing he'll get shot down for his efforts after bemusing her with his quirks. She is never seen again afterwards.

Tomas and Tim[edit]

Tomas (Robin Williams) and Tim (Billy Crystal): two strangers at the coffee shop. Appearing at the beginning of "The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion", they perform an otherwise pointless cameo/skit performance while sitting on the group's sofa at Central Perk. They are not mentioned in the credits. Tomas begins by asking the friends to move over to make room for the pair which they do. Then Tomas complains to Tim about how he thinks his wife is cheating on him with her gynaecologist. The friends stop trying to have their own conversation and eavesdrop. Eventually Tim reveals how he's sleeping with Tomas' wife causing Joey to rather crassly interrupt their discussion to ask if Tim is the gynaecologist Tomas was earlier referring to, only for an irritated Tim to tell him to mind his own business. Bursting into tears as he absorbs the fact that Tim has been sleeping with his wife, Tomas starts shouting at and insulting Tim, and ends their friendship before leaving the shop in a loud fury, followed by Tim, who gives the six shocked, bewildered friends one last embarrassed, apologetic look before he leaves.

Only in season 4[edit]

Paget Brewster played Kathy, an actress who dates and cheats on first Joey, then Chandler in Season 4
Tate Donovan recurred as Rachel's boyfriend Joshua at the same time as he was dating Jennifer Aniston


Kathy (Paget Brewster): Joey's girlfriend, introduced in "The One with Joey's New Girlfriend" (airdate October 30, 1997; Season 4, No. 5), with whom he has nothing in common apart from both being actors. A mutual attraction develops between Kathy and Chandler,[e 107] which manifests as a kiss;[e 108] after Joey finds out, Kathy decides to leave New York for Chicago, and declares her love to Chandler.[e 109] Initially outraged at Chandler's betrayal, Joey has a change of heart after Kathy's speech, and she and Chandler get together. Although Chandler was initially uncomfortable about the possibility of their relationship becoming sexual as he would be directly compared to Joey, Monica and Rachel were able to give Chandler some pointers. Sometime later in the season, Chandler goes to see Kathy in a play and discovers that it has extreme sexual content with her male co-star, Nick. Chandler starts to suspect that she is cheating on him and confronts her about it. Kathy is offended and gets into an argument with Chandler. She later sleeps with Nick[e 110] and Chandler dumps her (although there is evidence that she actually only slept with the co-star after Chandler argued with her).

When Paget Brewster arrived for her audition, she believed she was the "runty alternate" and did not have a chance of getting the part. Matthew Perry later told her that the producers knew she was right for the role when she called herself a "runt". She spent her first two weeks working on the show believing that she would be fired and the part recast with a better looking actress. Brewster did not want Kathy to be written out by cheating on Chandler. The female stars agreed with her and tried to persuade the producers to have Kathy tour in a play instead.[43]

Charlton Heston[edit]

Charlton Heston (himself): actor in a movie with Joey. Joey reeks from spending a day fishing without showering after, so he uses Heston's shower—only to be caught by Heston. Joey tries to explain that he "stinks"—which Heston infers to refer to his acting, not his smell—and Heston gives Joey an actor's pep talk before telling him that "no matter how badly you think you stink, you must never break into my dressing room and use my shower!"[e 111]

The Salesman[edit]

The Salesman (Penn Jillette) sells encyclopedias and attempts to sell one to Joey, finding his stupidity hard to deal with while negotiating with him. When Joey informs him that he only has $50, he offers Joey a choice of one volume; Joey buys the "V" volume, because it's the one he's reading at the time.[e 86]


Cheryl (Rebecca Romijn): a woman whom Ross dates, only to find that she keeps an incredibly filthy apartment overrun with rats and fleas, yet finds Ross's own apartment disgusting due to a "weird smell", which Ross suspects is soap. He attempts to form a relationship with her, but cannot after being covered with ink and meat whilst making out with her. After Ross ends it with Cheryl, Monica arrives at the apartment asking to clean it as she cannot sleep thinking about it, only for Cheryl to close the door in disgust.[e 107]

Joshua Burgin[edit]

Joshua Burgin (Tate Donovan): a recently divorced customer who regularly uses Rachel as a personal shopper at Bloomingdale's. They start dating but break up in "The One with All the Wedding Dresses" (airdate April 16, 1998; Season 4, No. 20) when he thinks the relationship is moving too fast. Joshua appeared at the same time that Jennifer Aniston and Tate Donovan were dating each other in real life.[44]

Chip Matthews[edit]

Chip Matthews (Dan Gauthier): A man who many years prior to the events of the show had attended the same high school as Rachel, Monica and Ross; although he was outwardly friendly and charismatic enough to become the most popular guy in the high school, he is depicted as being an inwardly selfish, careless and unpleasant person who emotionally hurts and plays immature pranks on other people. His first appearance is a very brief cameo in "The One with the Prom Video" (airdate February 1, 1996; Season 2, No. 14) as Rachel's senior prom date; in this episode he is played by an unknown, uncredited actor and his face is not seen on screen. He fully appears in the episode "The One with the Cat" (airdate October 2, 1997; Season 4, No. 2), where it is revealed that Monica always had a crush on Chip and was saddened by the fact that he would never date her for her obesity throughout her teenage years, even despite the fact that he abandoned and cheated on Rachel at the prom; apparently, she could not find him for two hours because he was having sex with a girl named Amy Welch. Monica and Chip meet again and, seeing that she has lost a lot of weight since he saw her last and is now a very attractive woman, Chip asks her out, much to her delight as she still has a crush on him. Rachel is upset when she learns that Monica intends to date the man who once cheated on her, but she eventually allows this to happen out of sympathy for her formerly obese friend. She does however react coldly when she answers the door to him when he arrives to pick up Monica, and asks him, "So Chip, how's Amy Welch?", to which he replies, "Amy Welch? Wow, I haven't seen her since..." He then becomes embarrassed and quickly changes the subject. Monica's dream is soon shattered when she realizes that not only is Chip as unpleasant as he was back in high school, he has not matured and done nothing to better himself since then. As it becomes clearer and clearer to her that mentally, he is still a teenager, she asks him if he still lives with his parents, to which he replies "Yeah, but I can stay out as late as I want." Finally seeing him for the immature loser he always was, Monica shows for the first time accurate insight into Chip when she later tells Rachel "You know how I always wanted to go out with Chip Matthews in high school? Well tonight, I actually did go out with Chip Matthews in high school." She finds happiness however, in the fact that she got to dump "Chip Matthews in high school."

Mr. Waltham[edit]

Mr. Waltham (Paxton Whitehead): Rachel's boss in season 4, who appears in "The One with Rachel's Crush" and "The One with Joey's Dirty Day". He is Emily Waltham's uncle. He asked Rachel to accompany his niece to the opera, just before Rachel gets a date with Joshua. Rachel convinces Ross to go in her place, which introduces them leading to their eventual relationship.

Sarah, Duchess of York[edit]

Sarah, Duchess of York (herself): Sarah makes a cameo appearance with Joey on his video camera, in "The One with Ross's Wedding".

Dr. Tim Burke[edit]

Dr. Tim Burke (Michael Vartan): Richard Burke's son. Monica, who has an ice chip in her eye while she is taking out the turkey from the freezer, meets him. He is invited to share the Thanksgiving dinner in "The One With Chandler In A Box". Eventually, after they kiss, they both realize that dating each other is a mistake, as Monica compares Tim to his father Richard, while Tim metaphorizes the kiss as if he were kissing his own mother.[e 109]

Only in season 5[edit]

Bob Balaban played Frank Buffay Sr., Phoebe's father in Season 5


Danny (né Daniel) (George Newbern): a man who has been on an around-the-world trip and returns in "The One with the Yeti".[e 112] Rachel and Monica encounter the bearded man in the basement of their building and think he is a Yeti. Rachel is attracted to him but plays hard-to-get by pretending not to be interested in a housewarming party he is throwing.[e 113] They eventually get together, but Rachel dumps him when she discovers he has a "special bond" with his sister.[e 114]


Katie (Soleil Moon Frye): An extremely (and constantly) energetic girl whom Joey dates in "The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey". As the episode name suggests, she's a woman whose play-punches are all-too-hard. A seemingly nice person nonetheless, she appears to like Joey a lot, apparently bemused but also highly amused by wacky antics from him such as "breadstick fangs" but she's so energetic that whenever she playfully punches him on the arm she accidentally hurts him, but seems to be oblivious to this. When Joey actually tells her, she thinks he is merely making good-natured fun of her small size. Joey eventually decides he wants to break up with her as a result, but worries about hard she will hit him if he in the process of doing so upsets her, but Rachel gives him an easy way out when she retaliates in anger after Katie playfully punches her and accidentally hurts her also by kicking Katie's ankle, and when Joey refuses to stick up for Katie upon witnessing this she, as he had hoped, breaks up with him and leaves. She is never seen again afterwards.[e 115]

Dr. Donald Ledbetter[edit]

Dr. Donald Ledbetter (Michael Ensign): Ross's boss at the museum. After he eats Ross's leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwich in "The One with Ross's Sandwich", Ross angrily shouts at him, and he puts Ross on sabbatical.[e 116] He reappears in the tag scene of "The One Where Everybody Finds Out".[e 56]


Gary (Michael Rapaport): a cop who accidentally leaves his badge in Central Perk.[e 117] Phoebe finds it and starts impersonating a police officer. He tracks her down and, not wanting the fact that he left his badge behind in a coffee shop to get out, decides not to arrest Phoebe and, feeling attracted to her, asks her out to dinner, and they start dating. He takes Ross, Joey and Chandler on a ride-along while at the same time being irritated by their quirks,[e 89] and asks Phoebe to move in with him.[e 118] She leaves him after he shoots a bird on his windowsill just because it was irritating him by chirping too loudly. He is never seen again after that.

Frank Buffay Sr.[edit]

Frank Buffay Sr. (Bob Balaban): Phoebe, Ursula, and Frank Jr.'s father. He shows up at Phoebe's adoptive grandmother's funeral[e 72] looking for his late wife, Lily. His defense for abandoning Phoebe and Ursula is that "I was a lousy father", and he shares a "lullaby" he used to try to sing to them, which has a striking resemblance to Phoebe's "Smelly Cat".

Only in season 6[edit]

Bruce Willis appeared in three episodes of Season 6 and donated his fee to five charities

Janine LaCroix[edit]

Janine LaCroix (Elle Macpherson): Joey's female roommate after Chandler moves in with Monica. Joey places an ad for a new roommate in "The One Where Phoebe Runs"; attractive Australian dancer Janine applies and Joey immediately gives her the room without knowing anything else about her.[e 119] She adds a feminine touch to the apartment by hanging pictures of babies, flowers, and babies dressed as flowers, which unnerves Joey—who senses that he's "becoming a woman".[e 92] They get together during the recording of Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve,[e 120] but break up after she reveals she does not like Monica and Chandler. She moves out soon after and is never seen again in the series.[e 121]

The Judge[edit]

The Judge (Conchata Ferrell) presides over the attempt of Ross and Rachel—who got married in Las Vegas while drunk—to get an annulment; she informs them that they have to get a divorce instead.[e 122]

Jill Green[edit]

Jill Green (Reese Witherspoon): one of Rachel's two sisters, who arrives at Monica and Chandler's in "The One with Rachel's Sister", thinking Rachel still lives there. Their father has cut off Jill's supply of money and sent her to stay with Rachel, "the only daughter he's ever been proud of." She is vain, ditzy, materialistic and spoiled, a lot like her other sister Amy, but is a lot kinder towards Rachel and her friends. Rachel tries to train Jill in the ways of the world but Jill just buys herself expensive things.[e 123] She dates Ross to spite Rachel and is occasionally bewildered by quirks from both of them but leaves in the subsequent episode.[e 124] A reference is made to Jill in Season 10 when Amy gleefully reveals she has gotten fat, and that she thinks she is "stupid."

Elizabeth Stevens[edit]

Elizabeth Stevens (Alexandra Holden): one of Ross's students, whom he starts dating in "The One Where Ross Dates a Student", mistakenly believing it is not against university rules.[e 125] In "The One with Joey's Fridge", Elizabeth heads to the beach with several guys for spring break;—jealous and worried, Ross follows her down there, appearing dancing with her on MTV.[e 126] He breaks up with her in "The One with the Proposal, Part 1" when it becomes clear to him that she is too young for a serious relationship with him. She is never seen again in the series after that.[e 127]

Paul Stevens[edit]

Paul Stevens (Bruce Willis), Elizabeth's highly strange father, who takes an instant dislike to his daughter's boyfriend Ross, stating the reason for this as being the age gap between her and him. He is seemingly impossible for Ross to please and brazenly crude, rude and abrasive towards him. He eventually threatens to have Ross fired from the university unless he ends his relationship with Elizabeth, as Elizabeth is a student at the university and Ross will be sacked if it emerges he is in a relationship with one of his students. After she joins him for dinner to talk up Ross's good side, he and Rachel start dating, making him somewhat of a hypocrite as he is considerably older than she is. They go away to Paul's country cabin in "The One Where Paul's the Man", where Ross and Elizabeth have also gone. While hiding under the bed, Ross hears Paul talking to himself in the mirror and singing "Love Machine";—after Paul catches Ross trying to leave the cabin and threatens to have him fired, Ross implies he overheard the mirror shenanigans and will inform Rachel of this if Paul lets the university know about the relationship or continues attempting to interfere with it.[e 128] Paul agrees out of embarrassment and fear, but still shows a grudge towards Ross in "The One with the Ring". Rachel feels that Paul is too secretive for her liking and attempts to get him to open up emotionally but does too good a job when in the midst of conjuring up past memories of his troubled childhood with her he starts crying and will not stop. He even asks Chandler to hug him at one point after Rachel has left the room, and then lifts Joey off of the floor while hugging him, too. Eventually pulling himself together, he apologizes to Rachel for overwhelming her with all his crying and they make up and have sex. But when he cannot keep himself together afterwards and starts bawling again, she breaks up with him.[e 129]

Bruce Willis donated his appearance fee to five charities after losing a bet with his The Whole Nine Yards co-star and Friends' actor (who portrays Chandler) Matthew Perry. He won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series for his role.[45]

Only in season 7[edit]

Denise Richards was Cassie Geller, the supermodel cousin of Ross and Monica who is irresistible to Chandler, Ross, and even Phoebe
Winona Ryder portrayed Melissa, one of Rachel's college sorority friends, whom Rachel remembers a drunken kiss and then kisses at the end of the episode, "The One with Rachel's Big Kiss"


Erin (Kristin Davis): a girl Joey has a would-be one-night stand with[e 27]—except that Rachel and Phoebe do not have the heart to tell her he's not into a "serious relationship", so Joey is forced to date her again and again, until she decides to dump him, asking the girls to tell him she's not into a serious relationship.[e 27]

Cecilia Monroe[edit]

Cecilia Monroe (Susan Sarandon): an actress who portrays Jessica Lockhart on Days of Our Lives. In Days of our LivesJessica dies, and Drake Ramoray, played by Joey, gets her brain, so he can awaken from his coma, a procedure Ross takes issue with on medical grounds.[e 130] Jessica was famous for throwing drinks at people and slapping them. Her daughter, Dina, was seeing a man named Frederick, of whom she did not approve. She was thrown off a horse and onto an electric fence, an accident set up by Frederick and Dina.

After handing over the role of Jessica Lockhart to Joey, Cecilia Monroe sleeps with Joey causing minor hysteria for Rachel and Monica, who both are big fans of Days. She then takes a role in Mexico, resulting in she and Joey breaking up and her disappearance from the show.

Cassie Geller[edit]

Cassie Geller (Denise Richards): a cousin of Ross and Monica who comes up to stay with Monica and Chandler. As the little girl has grown into a supermodel, with mesmerizing hair, since they last saw her, the engaged Chandler, her cousin Ross and the otherwise heterosexual Phoebe are all attracted to her. Initially, Chandler's constant staring requires her to stay at Ross's apartment instead. While watching a movie, Ross convinces himself that she "wants it" too, and makes a move. Cassie's negative reaction leaves him speechless for what seems to him like an eternity, and he then worsens the situation by saying, "I haven't had sex in a very long time."[e 131] Consequently, Cassie stays with Phoebe, who thinks to herself that she should ask her out as Cassie is not her cousin.

Melissa Warburton[edit]

Melissa Warburton (Winona Ryder): one of Rachel's sorority sisters in college. During their senior year, Melissa and Rachel went to the Sigma Chi luau wearing coconut bikinis—and, after drinking too much sangria, went back to the house and ended up making out. Melissa fell in love with Rachel and never forgot that night, but Rachel never saw it as anything more than a wild college experience.[e 132] Rachel runs into Melissa in Central Perk and they go out to dinner. When Rachel confronts Melissa about the kiss, she pretends to have no memory of it ever happening because she does not think Rachel will return her love. At the end of dinner, Rachel kisses her again to prove to Phoebe that she can do something crazy. Melissa takes this to mean that Rachel loves her back. She says that "nobody can kiss that good and not mean it", but Rachel says that she is just a good kisser. Melissa is extremely embarrassed and tries to act as if she was kidding, saying, "I'm not in love with you. I don't hear coconuts banging together. I don't picture your face when I make love to my boyfriend..." Melissa leaves, but not before asking for another kiss goodbye, which she does not get. She is never seen again after that.

Richard Crosby[edit]

Richard Crosby (Gary Oldman): a pedantic actor with whom Joey shares scenes in a wartime drama, also from "The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding" (he appears in parts 1 and 2).[e 97] He gets a bad first impression of Joey when the latter irritates him by congratulating him for winning an Oscar he actually had not won. Crosby insists that real actors spit when they enunciate, resulting in both actors spitting on each other during takes, and being given towels by the crew afterwards. Crosby later shows up drunk for work, arousing concern as to whether Joey will complete his scenes in time to attend the wedding. For his performance, Oldman received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series.

Only in season 8[edit]

Sean Penn portrayed Eric, Phoebe's date and former date of her twin sister Ursula, in two episodes


Mona (Bonnie Somerville), a co-worker at Monica's restaurant, first meets Ross in "The One After 'I Do'." They later get reacquainted in "The One with Rachel's Date" (airdate October 25, 2001; Season 8, No. 5) and begin dating. Their relationship is troubled from the start due to Ross being the father of Rachel's baby; in "The One with the Stripper", Leonard Green calls her a "tramp" after Ross does not propose to Rachel, and Ross regularly forgets dates with her when Rachel has problems with the baby. They eventually break up in "The One with the Birthing Video" (airdate February 7, 2002; Season 8, No. 15) after Ross does not tell her that Rachel is moving in with him until the baby is born. In "The One with the Tea Leaves" (airdate March 7, 2002; Season 8, No. 17), Ross sneaks into her apartment to recover his "faded salmon color" shirt, which he left there, but has to hide when she arrives home with a date and is discovered when she and her date start making out and he tries to slip out; while Mona is angry with Ross at first, she later visits to accept his apology and assumes that he still has feelings for her. She asks Ross if she can keep the shirt to remember him, but Ross really only wanted his shirt back, and she leaves for good once he takes it back.

Dina Tribbiani[edit]

Dina Tribbiani (Marla Sokoloff): Joey's sister, who tells Rachel, then Joey, that she is pregnant—having come to Rachel because Rachel herself is unmarried and pregnant at the time.[e 133]


Bobby (Marc Rose): Dina Tribbiani's child's father.

Dr. Long[edit]

Dr. Long (Amanda Carlin): Rachel's obstetrician, who appears in five episodes of Season 8. She delivers the baby in "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby" after Rachel's extremely long labor.


Eric (Sean Penn): Ursula Buffay's boyfriend, whom she brings to Monica's Halloween party in "The One with the Halloween Party" (airdate November 1, 2001; Season 8, No. 6). Phoebe is attracted to him but learns that Ursula has lied about herself in order to marry him. He dumps her between "The One with the Halloween Party" and "The One with the Stain" and tries to get together with Phoebe, but cannot stand to look at her as she reminds him of her sister. Penn got the role after he made several visits to the Friends set with his children, who were fans of the show.[46]

Will Colbert[edit]

Will Colbert (Brad Pitt): formerly overweight friend of Monica from Ross's class in high school with a grudge against Rachel. Monica invites him over for Thanksgiving dinner in "The One with the Rumor" (airdate November 22, 2001; Season 8, No. 9). Will has lost 150 pounds and now looks great—which makes Phoebe flirt with him. Here they find out that Will hates Rachel due to all the bullying he had suffered at her hands in high school and had co-founded the "I Hate Rachel Green Club" with Ross and spread rumors about her being a hermaphrodite. He is last seen looking bemused but amused when Joey enters the room wearing Phoebe's maternity pants (under the deluded belief that he would need to change into a new pair of pants to achieve his goal of eating an entire turkey all by himself). Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston in real life at the time, and his given name is in fact "William".

Jim Nelson[edit]

Jim Nelson (James LeGros): a man Phoebe believes is her soulmate. They go out on a date, only for Phoebe to realize that Jim is a disturbing psychopath; she walks out on him.


Parker (Alec Baldwin): an extremely (and constantly) energetic and optimistic man Phoebe meets at the dry cleaner in "The One with the Tea Leaves". He next appears in "The One in Massapequa" (airdate March 28, 2002; Season 8, No. 18), where he meets the other five friends and gives them a bad first impression of him with his habit of making a big fuss of everything, even the most trivial things, which they find annoying. At Jack and Judy Geller's anniversary party, which he is invited to as a guest by Phoebe, he drives everyone crazy by getting excited by anything and everything he sees. Phoebe overhears her friends making fun of Parker and, angered, scolds them. However, his habit of constantly making a big fuss of everything regardless of how trivial whatever it is he's complimenting is begins to irritate her as well after a while, and after they and everyone else in the room witness and are bewildered by an utterly ridiculous speech Monica gives to her parents she takes him back to her apartment and tries to get him to calm down by suggesting that they play a no-talking game, only for him to respond by saying "I lose, now (let's play) Jenga." Unable to listen to him anymore, Phoebe snaps and shouts at him, and when she angrily tells him she wants him to be "much less happy" he breaks up with her. His glee finally wavering, Parker angrily storms out of the room...but not for long, as he then returns, excited, to compliment the argument they just had. Although Parker is, in spite of his annoying nature, depicted as being an outwardly friendly and nice guy, his attitude towards his break-up with Phoebe shows that he had trouble taking their relationship seriously even though she did before she began to find him annoying.

"Sick Bastard" and "Evil Bitch"[edit]

"Sick Bastard" (Jimmy Palumbo) and "Evil Bitch" (Debi Mazar), the couple who are having a child and with whom Rachel, who is waiting to have her baby delivered, shares a semi-private room. The woman is apparently in pain and deeply frustrated about it, and the fact that her perverted husband keeps leering at Rachel earns him the brunt of her frustrations. When Ross angrily threatens him after catching him doing it however, she sticks up for him by insulting Ross, apparently forgetting she had earlier berated him for exactly the same thing, presumably due to all the pain she's in. (The next "co-pregger" to share the room with is Janice, who is also taken to the delivery room before Rachel.)[e 28]

Only in season 9[edit]

Leonard Hayes[edit]

Leonard Hayes (Jeff Goldblum), a director who thinks Joey does not act "urgent enough"; he gets a bad first impression of Joey when he mistakenly thinks the latter is making fun of him in their conversation shortly after they first meet, but quickly comes round when he realizes that Joey is actually complimenting him in his own way. When Joey does the audition while needing to urinate, Leonard is impressed by the newfound urgency in his performance, so the former drinks a lot of liquids in preparation for the second audition. All goes well in the aforementioned second audition—that is until Leonard, failing to realize that Joey needs to urinate, makes the mistake of telling him to "relax" causing him to wet his pants on the spot—to Leonard's chagrin.[e 134]

Gavin Mitchell[edit]

Gavin Mitchell (Dermot Mulroney), Rachel's temporary replacement at Polo Ralph Lauren. Zelner makes it known to Rachel that he likes Gavin, so Rachel ends her maternity leave early to compete with him in "The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work" (airdate January 9, 2003; Season 9, No. 11). Their working relationship has improved by "The One with Phoebe's Rats", and they kiss at her birthday party. In "The One Where Monica Sings" (airdate January 30, 2003; Season 9, No. 13), Rachel tells Gavin that, although she likes him, a relationship would be difficult because of her history with Ross.


Steve (Phill Lewis): Chandler's boss at his internship. Appears in "The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work", "The One with the Mugging" and "The One with the Lottery", when he offers Chandler the job of junior copywriter.


Molly (Melissa George): Emma's hot nanny, whom Ross gets to hire since Rachel does not see it in her.[e 135] When Joey sees her, his lady killer instinct kicks in. Ross tries to make Joey stay away from her when he flirts with her, which makes Joey want her more. Ross wants Chandler to watch Joey and make sure he does not go after Molly. When Ross is lecturing Joey there is a knock on the door and it is Molly's girlfriend. They kiss, and Ross no longer has a problem—although Joey's even more turned on by her lesbian status. Molly makes one more cameo appearance, in "The One Where Monica Sings" (airdate January 30, 2003; Season 9, No. 13).


Sandy (Freddie Prinze Jr.): Emma's first nanny.[e 40] After unsuccessfully interviewing several female nannies, both Ross and Rachel are surprised to see that Sandy is male. During the interview he wins Rachel over and she hires him despite Ross not being keen. Sandy proves himself to be highly competent, advising Ross and Rachel that toy dinosaurs he found in the apartment were not age-appropriate for Emma (only for Ross to tell him that they were his [Ross'] toys, causing a bemused Sandy to reply "Also not age-appropriate") and even educating the idiotic Joey with his techniques; however, he is let go after Ross cannot get used to the idea of having a male nanny.


Zach (John Stamos), a prospective sperm donor for Monica, who finds out that Chandler cannot get her pregnant.[e 41]


Wendy (Selma Blair), a philandering co-worker of Chandler's in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who tries to seduce him when he's forced to spend Christmas there.[e 136]

Only in season 10[edit]

Note: Technically, characters who are introduced in this season belong in this section because this season is the final season of Friends. However, they are in #Introduced in season 10 to avoid duplication.

Cameo appearances[edit]


Primary sources[edit]

From Friends
  1. ^ a b Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Burrows, James (director) (September 22, 1994). "The Pilot". Friends. Season 1. Episode 1. NBC.
  2. ^ a b c d Kauffman, Marta; Crane, David (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (May 6, 2004). "The Last One". Friends. Season 10. Episode 17 & 18. NBC.
  3. ^ Kauffman, Marta; Crane, David (writers); Burrows, James (director) (September 10, 1994). "The One Where Nana Dies Twice". Friends. Season 1. Episode 8. NBC.
  4. ^ a b Abrams, Doty (writer); Bonerz, Peter (director) (April 6, 1995). "The One with the Evil Orthodontist". Friends. Season 1. Episode 20. NBC.
  5. ^ a b c d e Ungerleider, Ira (story); Mandell, Brown (teleplay); Lembeck, Michael (director) (May 16, 1996). "The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding". Friends. Season 2. Episode 24. NBC.
  6. ^ a b c Malins, Gregory S.; Chase, Adam; Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Lembeck, Michael (director) (February 17, 2000). "The One That Could Have Been". Friends. Season 6. Episode 15 & 16. NBC.
  7. ^ a b c Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Bonerz, Peter (director) (October 31, 1996). "The One with the Flashback". Friends. Season 3. Episode 6. NBC.
  8. ^ a b Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Burrows, James (director) (October 29, 1994). "The One with the Sonogram at the End". Friends. Season 1. Episode 2. NBC.
  9. ^ a b c Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (story); Greenstein, Jeff; Strauss, Jeff (teleplay); Burrows, James (director) (May 11, 1995). "The One with the Birth". Friends. Season 1. Episode 23. NBC.
  10. ^ a b Abrams, Doty (writer); Schlamme, Thomas (director) (January 19, 1996). "The One with the Lesbian Wedding". Friends. Season 2. Episode 11. NBC.
  11. ^ Buckner, Brian; Jones, Sebastian (story); Greenstein, Jeff; Strauss, Jeff (teleplay); Schwimmer, David (director) (February 22, 2001). "The One with the Truth About London". Friends. Season 7. Episode 16. NBC.
  12. ^ a b Curtis, Michael; Malins, Gregory S. (writers); Lembeck, Michael (director) (March 28, 1996). "The One Where Eddie Won't Go". Friends. Season 2. Episode 19. NBC.
  13. ^ Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Burrows, James (director) (February 20, 1997). "The One with the Morning After". Friends. Season 3. Episode 16. NBC.
  14. ^ Fleming Jr., R. Lee (writer); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (November 8, 2001). "The One with the Stain". Friends. Season 8. Episode 7. NBC.
  15. ^ a b c d Chase, Adam; Ungerleider, Ira (writers); Bonerz, Peter (director) (December 15, 1994). "The One with the Monkey". Friends. Season 1. Episode 10. NBC.
  16. ^ a b Astrof, Jeffrey; Sikowitz, Mike (writers); Bonerz, Peter (director) (March 9, 1995). "The One Where the Monkey Gets Away". Friends. Season 1. Episode 19. NBC.
  17. ^ Chase, Adam; Underleider, Ira (writers); Mancuso, Gail (director) (April 27, 1995). "The One with the Fake Monica". Friends. Season 1. Episode 21. NBC.
  18. ^ a b c d e f Astrof, Jeffrey; Sikowitz, Mike; Borkow, Michael (writers); Lembeck, Michael (director) (January 28, 1996). "The One After the Superbowl". Friends. Season 2. Episode 12 & 13. NBC.
  19. ^ a b Greenstein, Jeff; Strauss, Jeff (writers); Fryman, Pamela (director) (October 20, 1994). "The One with the East German Laundry Detergent". Friends. Season 1. Episode 5. NBC.
  20. ^ Lawrence, Bill (writer); Burrows, James (director) (February 9, 1995). "The One with the Candy Hearts". Friends. Season 1. Episode 14. NBC.
  21. ^ a b c d Curtis, Michael; Malins, Gregory S. (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (October 5, 1995). "The One Where Mr. Heckles Dies". Friends. Season 2. Episode 3. NBC.
  22. ^ Kurland, Seth (writer); Mancuso, Gail (director) (November 7, 1996). "The One with the Race Car Bed". Friends. Season 3. Episode 7. NBC.
  23. ^ a b Chase, Adam (writer); Mancuso, Gail (director) (November 14, 1996). "The One with the Giant Poking Device". Friends. Season 3. Episode 8. NBC.
  24. ^ Cohen, Ted; Reich, Andrew (writers); Burrows, James (director) (February 26, 1996). "The One with All the Rugby". Friends. Season 4. Episode 15. NBC.
  25. ^ Varinaitis, Alicia Sky (writer); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (January 21, 1999). "The One with Chandler's Work Laugh". Friends. Season 5. Episode 12. NBC.
  26. ^ Rosenblatt, Zachary (story); Chase, Adam (teleplay); Halvorson, Gary (director) (February 24, 2000). "The One with Unagi". Friends. Season 6. Episode 17. NBC.
  27. ^ a b c Silveri, Scott (writer); Schwimmer, David (director) (November 16, 2000). "The One with Ross's Library Book". Friends. Season 7. Episode 7. NBC.
  28. ^ a b Silveri, Scott; Kauffman, Marta; Crane, David (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (May 16, 2002). "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby". Friends. Season 8. Episode 23 & 24. NBC.
  29. ^ Silveri, Scott (story); Carlock, Robert (teleplay); Halvorson, Gary (director) (May 1, 2003). "The One with the Fertility Test". Friends. Season 9. Episode 21. NBC.
  30. ^ a b c d Kunerth, Mark (story); Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (teleplay); Halvorson, Gary (director) (April 22, 2004). "The One Where Estelle Dies". Friends. Season 10. Episode 15. NBC.
  31. ^ a b c Kauffman, Marta; Crane, David (writers); Lembeck, Michael (director) (February 23, 1995). "The One with Two Parts". Friends. Season 1. Episode 16 & 17. NBC.
  32. ^ a b Astrof, Jeffrey; Sikowitz, Mike (writers); Burrows, James (director) (December 3, 1994). "The One With The Blackout". Friends. Season 1. Episode 7. NBC.
  33. ^ Astrof, Jeffrey; Sikowitz, Mike; Chase, Adam; Ungerleider, Ira (writers); Lazarus, Paul (director) (January 12, 1995). "The One with the Dozen Lasagnas". Friends. Season 1. Episode 12. NBC.
  34. ^ Astrof, Jeffrey; Sikowitz, Mike (writers); Lembeck, Michael (director) (October 21, 1995). "The One with Ross's New Girlfriend". Friends. Season 2. Episode 1. NBC.
  35. ^ Greenstein, Jeff; Strauss, Jeff (writers); Burrows, James (director) (November 17, 1994). "The One Where Underdog Gets Away". Friends. Season 1. Episode 9. NBC.
  36. ^ a b c Borns, Betsy (writer); Mancuso, Gail (director) (November 2, 1995). "The One with the Baby on the Bus". Friends. Season 2. Episode 6. NBC.
  37. ^ a b Ungerleider, Ira (writer); Schlamme, Thomas (director) (January 4, 1996). "The One with Russ". Friends. Season 2. Episode 10. NBC.
  38. ^ a b Junge, Alexa (writer); Mancuso, Gail (director) (October 12, 1995). "The One with Phoebe's Husband". Friends. Season 2. Episode 4. NBC.
  39. ^ Goldberg-Meehan, Shana (writer); Halvorson, Gary (director) (January 4, 2001). "The One with the Cheesecakes". Friends. Season 7. Episode 11. NBC.
  40. ^ a b Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (November 7, 2002). "The One with the Male Nanny". Friends. Season 9. Episode 6. NBC.
  41. ^ a b Reich, Andrew; Cohen, Ted (writers); Weiss, Ben (director) (May 8, 2003). "The One with the Donor". Friends. Season 9. Episode 22. NBC.
  42. ^ Goldberg-Meehan, Shana; Silveri, Scott; Kauffman, Marta; Crane, David (writers) (May 15, 2003). "The One in Barbados". Friends. Season 9. Episode 23. NBC.
  43. ^ Junge, Alexa (writer); Burrows, James (director) (January 1, 1995). "The One with Mrs. Bing". Friends. Season 1. Episode 11. NBC.
  44. ^ Malins, Gregory S. (writer); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (November 19, 1998). "The One with All the Thanksgivings". Friends. Season 5. Episode 8. NBC.
  45. ^ Malins, Gregory S.; Kauffman, Marta; Crane, David (writers) (May 17, 2001). "The One with Rachel and Chandler's Wedding". Friends. Season 7. Episode 23 & 24. NBC.
  46. ^ a b Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (September 27, 2001). "The One After 'I Do'". Friends. Season 8. Episode 1. NBC.
  47. ^ Calhoun, Wil (writer); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (October 3, 1996). "The One with the Jam". Friends. Season 3. Episode 3. NBC.
  48. ^ Calhoun, Wil (writer); Jensen, Shelley (director) (September 25, 1997). "The One with the Jellyfish". Friends. Season 4. Episode 1. NBC.
  49. ^ Reich, Andrew; Cohen, Ted (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (February 10, 2000). "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry". Friends. Season 6. Episode 14. NBC.
  50. ^ a b McCarthy, Vanessa (story); Plummer, Ellen; Bilsing, Sherry (teleplay); Weiss, Ben (director) (February 8, 2001). "The One Where They All Turn Thirty". Friends. Season 7. Episode 14. NBC.
  51. ^ Kunerth, Mark (writer); Halvorson, Gary (director) (November 1, 2001). "The One with the Halloween Party". Friends. Season 8. Episode 6. NBC.
  52. ^ Brown, Chris (writer); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (May 18, 1995). "The One Where Rachel Finds Out". Friends. Season 1. Episode 24. NBC.
  53. ^ Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Place, Mary Kay (director) (November 16, 1995). "The One with the List". Friends. Season 2. Episode 8. NBC.
  54. ^ Greenstein, Jeff; Strauss, Jeff (writers); Myerson, Alan (director) (February 16, 1995). "The One with the Stoned Guy". Friends. Season 1. Episode 15. NBC.
  55. ^ Bilsing-Graham, Sherry; Plummer, Ellen (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (February 6, 2003). "The One with the Blind Dates". Friends. Season 9. Episode 14. NBC.
  56. ^ a b Junge, Alexa (writer); Lembeck, Michael (director) (February 11, 1999). "The One Where Everybody Finds Out". Friends. Season 5. Episode 14. NBC.
  57. ^ a b Astrof, Jeffrey; Sikowitz, Mike (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (December 14, 1995). "The One with Phoebe's Dad". Friends. Season 2. Episode 9. NBC.
  58. ^ Cohen, Ted; Reich, Andrew (writers); Mancuso, Gail (director) (October 16, 1997). "The One with the Ballroom Dancing". Friends. Season 4. Episode 4. NBC.
  59. ^ Kunerth, Mark; Goodman, Richard (writers); Lembeck, Michael (director) (March 26, 1998). "The One with the Free Porn". Friends. Season 4. Episode 17. NBC.
  60. ^ Bilsing, Sherry; Plummer, Ellen (writers); Epps, Sheldon (director) (October 11, 2001). "The One Where Rachel Tells Ross". Friends. Season 8. Episode 3. NBC.
  61. ^ a b Chase, Adam; Ungerleider, Ira (writers); Sanford, Arlene (director) (October 27, 1994). "The One with the Butt". Friends. Season 1. Episode 5. NBC.
  62. ^ Goldberg-Meehan, Shana; Silveri, Scott (writers); Bonerz, Peter (director) (April 24, 1997). "The One with the Screamer". Friends. Season 3. Episode 22. NBC.
  63. ^ Reich, Andrew; Cohen, Ted (writers); Halvorson, Gary (director) (October 14, 1999). "The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance". Friends. Season 6. Episode 4. NBC.
  64. ^ Curtis, Michael; Malins, Gregory S. (writers); Lembeck, Michael (director) (February 8, 1996). "The One Where Ross and Rachel ... You Know". Friends. Season 2. Episode 16. NBC.
  65. ^ a b Borns, Betsy (writer); Lembeck, Michael (director) (February 15, 1996). "The One Where Joey Moves Out". Friends. Season 2. Episode 17. NBC.
  66. ^ Ungerleider, Ira (writer); Mancuso, Gail (director) (September 26, 1996). "The One Where No One's Ready". Friends. Season 3. Episode 2. NBC.
  67. ^ Borkow, Michael (writer); Benson, Robby (director) (January 30, 1997). "The One Where Monica and Richard Are Just Friends". Friends. Season 3. Episode 13. NBC.
  68. ^ a b Silveri, Scott; Goldberg-Meehan, Shana; Reich, Andrew; Cohen, Ted (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (May 18, 2000). "The One with the Proposal". Friends. Season 6. Episode 24 & 25. NBC.
  69. ^ a b Carlock, Robert (writer); Halvorson, Gary (director) (November 14, 2002). "The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song". Friends. Season 9. Episode 7. NBC.
  70. ^ a b Junge, Alexa (writer); Lembeck, Michael (director) (May 2, 1996). "The One with the Two Parties". Friends. Season 2. Episode 22. NBC.
  71. ^ Bilsing-Graham, Sherry; Plummer, Ellen (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (April 25, 2002). "The One with the Baby Shower". Friends. Season 8. Episode 20. NBC.
  72. ^ a b Curtis, Michael (story); Kurland, Seth (teleplay); Mancuso, Gail (director) (February 4, 1999). "The One with Joey's Bag". Friends. Season 5. Episode 13. NBC.
  73. ^ Buckner, Brian; Jones, Sebastian (writers); Lembeck, Michael (director) (April 25, 1996). "The One with the Bullies". Friends. Season 2. Episode 21. NBC.
  74. ^ a b Goldberg-Meehan, Shana; Silveri, Scott (writers); Zuckerman, Steve (director) (October 17, 1996). "The One with Frank Jr.". Friends. Season 3. Episode 5. NBC.
  75. ^ Kurland, Seth (writer); Benson, Robby (director) (March 13, 1997). "The One with the Hypnosis Tape". Friends. Season 3. Episode 18. NBC.
  76. ^ a b Kurland, Seth (writer); Steinberg, David (director) (January 8, 1998). "The One with Phoebe's Uterus". Friends. Season 4. Episode 11. NBC.
  77. ^ Crane, David; Kauffman, Marta (writers); Bright, Kevin S. (director) (October 8, 1998). "The One Hundredth". Friends. Season 5. Episode 3. NBC.
  78. ^ Bilsing-Graham, Sherry; Plummer, Ellen (writers); Weiss, Ben (director) (October 2, 2003). "The One Where Ross is Fine". Friends. Season 10. Episode 2. NBC.
  79. ^ a b Reich, Andrew; Cohen, Ted (writers); Schwimmer, David (director) (November 15, 2001). "The One with the Stripper". Friends. Season 8. Episode 8. NBC.
  80. ^ Bilsing-Graham, Sherry; Plummer, Ellen (writers); Halvorson, Gary (director) (February 19, 2004). "The One Where Joey Speaks French". Friends. Season 10. Episode 15. NBC.
  81. ^ a b "The One where Ross and Rachel Take a Break". Friends. Season 3. Episode 15. January 1, 1997.
  82. ^ a b "The One with the Tiny T-Shirt". Friends. Season 3. Episode 19. March 27, 1997.
  83. ^ a b c "The One with Princess Consuela". Friends. Season 10. Episode 14. February 26, 2004.
  84. ^ a b "The One Where They're Going to Party!". Friends. Season 4. Episode 9. December 11, 1997.
  85. ^ "The One with the Dollhouse". Friends. Season 3. Episode 20. April 10, 1997.
  86. ^ a b "The One with the Cuffs". Friends. Season 4. Episode 3. October 9, 1997.
  87. ^ a b "The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion". Friends. Episode 3. May 8, 1997.
  88. ^ "The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS". Friends. Season 5. Episode 4. October 15, 1998.
  89. ^ a b "The One with the Ride-Along". Friends. Season 5. Episode 20. April 29, 1999.
  90. ^ "The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss". Friends. Season 5. Episode 17. March 18, 1999.
  91. ^ "The One Where Rachel Smokes". Friends. Season 5. Episode 18. April 8, 1999.
  92. ^ a b "The One with Ross's Teeth". Friends. Season 6. Episode 8. November 18, 1999.
  93. ^ "The One with Rachel's Assistant". Friends. Season 7. Episode 4. October 26, 2000.
  94. ^ "The One with All the Candy". Friends. Season 7. Episode 9. December 7, 2000.
  95. ^ "The One with the Red Sweater". Friends. Season 8. Episode 2. October 4, 2001.
  96. ^ "The One with Chandler's Dad". Friends. Season 7. Episode 22. May 10, 2001.
  97. ^ a b "The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding, Part 1". Friends. Season 7. Episode 23. May 17, 2001.
  98. ^ "The One with the Sharks". Friends. Season 9. Episode 4. October 17, 2002.
  99. ^ "The One with the Boob Job". Friends. Season 9. Episode 16. February 20, 2003.
  100. ^ "The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss". Friends. Season 10. Episode 1. September 25, 2003.
  101. ^ "The One with Phoebe's Wedding". Friends. Season 10. Episode 12. September 12, 2004.
  102. ^ "The One with Ross's Tan". Friends. Season 10. Episode 3. October 9, 2004.
  103. ^ "The One with the Thumb". Friends. Season 1. Episode 3. October 6, 1994.
  104. ^ "The One Where Eddie Moves In". Friends. Season 2. Episode 17. February 22, 1996.
  105. ^ "The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies". Friends. Season 2. Episode 18. March 21, 1996.
  106. ^ "The One with the Chicken Pox". Friends. Season 2. Episode 23. May 5, 1996.
  107. ^ a b "The One with the Dirty Girl". Friends. Season 4. Episode 6. November 6, 1997.
  108. ^ "The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line". Friends. Season 4. Episode 7. November 13, 1997.
  109. ^ a b "The One with Chandler in a Box". Friends. Season 4. Episode 8. 1997.
  110. ^ "The One with Rachel's Crush". Friends. Season 4. Episode 13. January 29, 1998.
  111. ^ "The One with Joey's Dirty Day". Friends. Season 4. Episode 14. February 5, 1998.
  112. ^ "The One with the Yeti". Friends. Season 5. Episode 6. November 5, 1998.
  113. ^ "The One Where Ross Moves In". Friends. Season 5. Episode 7. November 12, 1998.
  114. ^ "The One with the Inappropriate Sister". Friends. Season 5. Episode 10. December 17, 1998.
  115. ^ "The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey". Friends. Season 5. Episode 15. February 18, 1999.
  116. ^ "The One with Ross's Sandwich". Friends. Season 5. Episode 9. December 10, 1998.
  117. ^ "The One with the Cop". Friends. Season 5. Episode 16. February 25, 1999.
  118. ^ "The One with the Ball". Friends. Season 5. Episode 21. May 6, 1999.
  119. ^ "The One Where Phoebe Runs". Friends. Season 6. Episode 7. November 11, 1999.
  120. ^ "The One with the Routine". Friends. Season 6. Episode 10. December 16, 1999.
  121. ^ "The One with Apothecary Table". Friends. Season 6. Episode 11. January 6, 2000.
  122. ^ "The One with Joey's Porsche". Friends. Season 6. Episode 5. October 21, 1999.
  123. ^ "The One with Rachel's Sister". Friends. Season 6. Episode 13. February 3, 2000.
  124. ^ "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry". Friends. Season 6. Episode 14. February 10, 2000.
  125. ^ "The One Where Ross Dates a Student". Friends. Season 6. Episode 18. March 9, 2000.
  126. ^ "The One with Joey's Fridge". Friends. Season 6. Episode 19. March 23, 2000.
  127. ^ "The One with the Proposal, Part 1". Friends. Season 6. Episode 24. May 18, 2000.
  128. ^ "The One Where Paul's the Man". Friends. Season 6. Episode 22. May 4, 2000.
  129. ^ "The One with the Ring". Friends. Season 6. Episode 23. May 11, 2000.
  130. ^ "The One with Joey's New Brain". Friends. Season 7. Episode 15. February 14, 2001.
  131. ^ "The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin". Friends. Season 7. Episode 19. April 19, 2001.
  132. ^ "The One with Rachel's Big Kiss". Friends. Season 7. Episode 20. April 26, 2001.
  133. ^ "The One with Monica's Boots". Friends. Season 8. Episode 10. December 6, 2001.
  134. ^ "The One with the Mugging". Friends. Season 9. Episode 15. February 13, 2003.
  135. ^ "The One with Phoebe's Rats". Friends. Season 9. Episode 12. January 16, 2003.
  136. ^ "The One with the Christmas in Tulsa". Friends. Season 9. Episode 10. December 12, 2002.
From elsewhere

Secondary sources[edit]

  1. ^ "Friends (TV series, 1994–2004) - IMDb". Archived from the original on 21 June 2012. Retrieved 23 June 2012.
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  7. ^ Kiesewetter, John (January 27, 2002). "Friends grows in stature, ratings". The National Enquirer. Retrieved January 5, 2009.
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  10. ^ "People: DeGeneres tries to calm the howling pack". The Denver Post. October 18, 2007. Archived from the original on July 19, 2009. Retrieved December 19, 2008.
  11. ^ Wild, David (2004). Friends 'Til the End: The Official Celebration of All Ten Years. Time Warner. ISBN 1932273190.
  12. ^ a b Lowry, Brian (August 12, 1996). "Friends cast returning amid contract dispute". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved March 8, 2009.
  13. ^ a b Carter, Bill (July 16, 1996). "Friends Cast Bands Together To Demand a Salary Increase". The New York Times. Retrieved March 8, 2009.
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  23. ^ a b c d e f g McFadden, Kay (May 6, 2004). "Friends of 'Friends': guest characters". The Seattle Times. Archived from the original on July 19, 2009.
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